Nearchos Ioannou 个人资料图片

Nearchos Ioannou

艺术家 (绘画)
出生于 1958

Dr. NearchosIoannou was born in Limassol / Cyprus in 1958. He studied Political Economy in Germany (West Berlin) and has a PhD in Economics. He was a lecturer for Economics at the University in Berlin and Limassol and worked for many years in Frankfurt and Nicosia in the Banking Sector in different positions. 2007 he became the CEO of the Limassol Cooperative Savings Bank. He wrote many books, 17 plays for theater, which were executed in Cyprus, Greece and the UK and more than 100 scenarios for different TV series.He was for many decades member of a rock band playing guitar. He started painting very recently after he had some lessons by Nina Sumarac, a well-known Serbian artist leaving in Cyprus. He hat 4 individual exhibitions and has participated in many group exhibitions. His work is unique, daring and reflects his intellectual curiosity.

探索Nearchos Ioannou的当代艺术品,浏览最近的艺术品并在线购买。 分类: 当代塞浦路斯艺术家. 艺术领域: 绘画. 艺术家表示ART ROCK. 帐户类型: 艺术家 , 加入会员自2024 (出生国家 塞浦路斯). 在Artmajeur上购买Nearchos Ioannou的最新作品: Nearchos Ioannou:发现惊人的作品的当代艺术家。浏览艺术品,购买原创作品或高档的印象。

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