Natallia Aharkava Immagine del profilo

Natallia Aharkava

Brest, Bielorussia
Artista (Pittura)
Nato a 1980
La mia anima parla attraverso i miei quadri

I studied in art circl, after than I had more practice with myself and private art lessons . I started my art way five years ago, because I like doing things that make people happy. The talent is born with you and I need to be developed. When I hold a brush in my hands I connect with my pictures and i flow in my dreams. Results the process you will see here. A lot of work are my experimental experiences. I think the artist  could have good imagination and ease, because in the picture is starting new life, new experience I the life all people how are seeing the picture. When the picture has sold all energy follow to at home the buyer. In this moment is starting new beginning of interaction with creativity.

Scopri opere d'arte contemporanea di Natallia Aharkava, naviga tra le opere recenti e acquista online. Categorie: artisti bielorussi contemporanei. Domini artistici: Pittura. Tipo di account: Artista , iscritto dal 2023 (Paese di origine Bielorussia). Acquista gli ultimi lavori di Natallia Aharkava su Artmajeur: Scopri le opere dell'artista contemporaneo Natallia Aharkava. Sfoglia le sue opere d'arte, compra le opere originali o le stampe di alta qualità.

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