Original painting, Field with White Poppies (2023) 絵画 Nataliya Rozhdestvenskaya によって

キャンバスのアクリル, 39.4x39.4 in
プライス: 送料無料
発送元: ドイツ (チューブ) 2日内で発送
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  • オリジナルのアートワーク (One Of A Kind) 絵画, キャンバスの アクリル
  • 寸法 高さ 39.4in, 幅 39.4in
  • アートワークの状態 アートワークは完璧な状態です
  • フレーミング このアートワークは額装されていません
  • カテゴリ 絵画 $1,000未満 印象主義
In the painting "Field with White Poppies," I've depicted a straightforward and unassuming summer landscape on a 100 by 100-centimeter canvas. The artwork immerses you in the essence of summer, portraying a field adorned with white poppies amidst tall grass. As the artist behind this piece, my focus was on simplicity and[...]
In the painting "Field with White Poppies," I've depicted a straightforward and unassuming summer landscape on a 100 by 100-centimeter canvas. The artwork immerses you in the essence of summer, portraying a field adorned with white poppies amidst tall grass.

As the artist behind this piece, my focus was on simplicity and the genuine beauty of nature. The white poppies take center stage, their large buds open and delicately swaying in the breeze. The petals, in their pristine white, create a striking contrast against the backdrop of the lush, high grass.

The grass, reaching skyward, intertwines with golden stems that seem to dance in the sunlight. The play of light and shadow on the field adds depth to the scene, capturing the warmth and tranquility of a summer day. The overall effect is an invitation to step into the painting and experience the simplicity and serenity of nature.


Original PaintingField With PoppiesSummer LandscapePainting With FlowersLarge Painting

Artist Natasha Rozhdestvenskaya, I was born and raised in a small town nestled near the majestic beauty of St. Petersburg, which is known as one of the most charming, free-spirited, and culturally diverse cities[...]

Artist Natasha Rozhdestvenskaya, I was born and raised in a small town nestled near the majestic beauty of St. Petersburg, which is known as one of the most charming, free-spirited, and culturally diverse cities on Earth. From an early age, I discovered my passion for art. I began seriously studying art in 1992 when I entered the College of Painting on Porcelain and Faience. I excelled in my studies and continued my education at the Art Lyceum, specializing in Painting on Wood. Later, I attended the Novgorod State University, where I pursued a degree in Fashion Design. Graduating with honors, I initially worked in interior design, but eventually, I returned to my true calling - fine arts. I worked as fine arts teacher while simultaneously organizing my own exhibitions. I have traveled extensively, and for the past five years, I have been living in Leipzig - a city that echoes the rebellious spirit and artistic essence of beloved St. Petersburg.

 • 1996 – 2002: Novgorod State University, Fashion Design
• 1994 – 1995: Art Lyceum, Painting on wood

• 1992 – 1994: College, Painting on porcelain and faience

I'm someone who has grown up in a place where the climate is cold, and the sun hides for the most part of the year, painting the surroundings in shades of grey. It was this very environment that led me to develop a deep passion for colors - the brighter and more saturated, the better.

My love for colors has been particularly drawn to various shades of gold, silver, and bronze. You'll often find me using these hues in my work as an artist. When I create, I rely heavily on my intuition, letting my inner voice guide me as I experiment with color, light, volume, and shape.

As an artist, I find inspiration in a wide range of subjects, constantly exploring new ideas and experimenting with different techniques. I love to work with a palette knife, acrylic, and oil paints, finding each medium allows me to bring a different element to my creations.

Nataliya Rozhdestvenskayaからもっと見る

キャンバスのアクリル | 7.9x7.9 in
キャンバスのアクリル | 39.4x39.4 in
キャンバスのアクリル | 39.4x31.5 in
キャンバスのアクリル | 7.9x7.9 in

