Natalia Vitiaz Image de profil

Natalia Vitiaz

Retour à la liste Ajouté le 25 févr. 2019

Vitiaz Nataliia

20.01.1974- Was born in Kirovs (Murmansk region)

1993- Graduated from the Kharkiv technical school of mechanics and technology 

Since 1994 is an active participant of regional and all-Ukrainian exhibitions 

1994- A member of the Youth Union of the Kharkiv Organization of the National Association of Artists of Ukraine 

1999-Graduated from H.S.Skovoroda Kharkiv National Pedagogical University 

2010-A member of the Kharkiv Unit of the National Association of Artists of Ukraine

                       Main Mentors:

Riepik Valentyna -Senior methodologist and trainer in Drafting and Drawing , honored worker of of the USSR public education

Yelin Viktor - Teacher of the Kharkiv State College of Art,art expert

Kovtun Viktor - Chairman of the Management Board of the Kharkiv Unit of the National Association of Artists of Ukraine 


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