Strangers (2019) 絵画 N.N. Art によって

ウッドのアクリル, 40.9x13 in
プライス: 送料無料
販売者 N.N. Art
発送元: トルコ (ボックスまたはカートンのパッケージ) 3日内で発送
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お客様のレビュー 優れた

販売者 N.N. Art



最大解像度: 1602 x 5428 px

販売者 N.N. Art

Strangers, Fremde - Menschen die man nicht kennt? Oder sind es Menschen, die fremd erscheinen, obwohl man sie bereits gesehen und gehört hat, sie bereits erlebt habt. Sie wirken fremd, es sind ihre Gesichter, ihre Blicke und die dahinter verborgenen Gedanken. Strangers steht für die Irritation in mancher Menschen Gesicht zu schauen und zu wissen: Diese[...]
Strangers, Fremde - Menschen die man nicht kennt? Oder sind es Menschen, die fremd erscheinen, obwohl man sie bereits gesehen und gehört hat, sie bereits erlebt habt. Sie wirken fremd, es sind ihre Gesichter, ihre Blicke und die dahinter verborgenen Gedanken. Strangers steht für die Irritation in mancher Menschen Gesicht zu schauen und zu wissen: Diese Menschen werden wir erst kennenlernen, wenn wir nah bei Ihnen sind.



Nasrah Nefer is a multi-talented professional and a tremendously zealous person at heart. She is a certified nurse, a Reiki expert, a dancer, a qualified life coach, Art Therapist and above all, a very creatively[...]

Nasrah Nefer is a multi-talented professional and a tremendously zealous person at heart. She is a certified nurse, a Reiki expert, a dancer, a qualified life coach, Art Therapist and above all, a very creatively proficient artist.

Nasrah was born and bred in Heidelberg. She has a German-Egyptian descent but has been traveling all her life expanding her skill set and exploring a diverse range of avenues to curb her thirst for creativity, knowledge, and the compassion to help others.

Nasrah has been called a multi-disciplinary artist by the Singulart Gallery. She is a person with a wild imagination that knows no boundaries. Staying inside narrow shapes is not her style.

She loves to open up and transform existing scenes into new creations using all kinds of artistic techniques. The prime focus of all her artwork is on abstract style, pittura metafisica, and maximalism.

The deep adoration and inspiration from the Bohemian Lifestyle is also quite evident in her paintings.  After completing school and nursing studies she got the chance to pursue her artistic ambitions in painting by privately studying art in Italy for two years while living in Francesco Santini`s Art Academy in Sardinia.

She continued her artistic training in Germany, later studied Egyptology, Islamic Science, and Archeology at the University of Cologne, and completed training in Contemporary and Egyptian Dance. She was on stage more than 20 years,  opened a Lİfe Style Shop in Bonn and two Event Restaurants in Cologne, where she could bring together different art expressions and transform them into  excitening Events.

She has had numerous international exhibitions and has had her art presented and published on various art platforms around the world.

These projects are a reflection of her inspiration and act as a mirror for her artistic expressions. Her artwork has been recognized and appreciated by several international awards including the 4th Leonardo da Vinci Prize (The universal Artist), the International Caravaggio Art Prize (Great Masters of Art) and International Paris Art Prize 2022.

Nasrah is the founder of an enterprising Artist Group called N A S Art, founded with the Artists Ayşe Yalcındağ and Serpil Topaloğlu. She helps unite the cultures of the Orient and Occident in herself and her art. 

N.N. Artからもっと見る

リネンキャンバスのアクリル | 27.6x27.6 in
ウッドのアクリル | 40.9x13 in
キャンバスのアクリル | 27.6x39.4 in
ウッドのアクリル | 40.9x13 in

