Yellow Flowers-Collages Series (2020) コラージュ Nadia Larosa によって

段ボールのコラージュ, 13.8x13.8 in
プライス: 送料無料
Nadia Larosa が販売
お客様のレビュー (8)
発送元: イタリア
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お客様のレビュー 優れた

Nadia Larosa が販売



最大解像度: 2128 x 2151 px

Nadia Larosa が販売

  • オリジナルのアートワーク (One Of A Kind) コラージュ, 段ボールの コラージュ
  • 寸法 高さ 13.8in, 幅 13.8in
  • フレーミング このアートワークは額装されていません
  • カテゴリ コラージュ $1,000未満 表現主義
In this artwork I used paper from magazines on cardboard in order to give to the work an unique depth by multiple layering of colors and to create imaginary spring's flowers. The artwork is part of the collage's series "Spring time" created during the lockdown period, as a sign of rebirth after the troubles. The artwork is[...]
In this artwork I used paper from magazines on cardboard in order to give to the work an unique depth by multiple layering of colors and to create imaginary spring's flowers. The artwork is part of the collage's series "Spring time" created during the lockdown period, as a sign of rebirth after the troubles.
The artwork is finished around the edge and ready to hang. It's signed on the back and sent with its certificate of authencity.


Fiori GialliGialloEstateFlowersFiori

Thank you for stopping by my page. I am an artist from the north west of Italy. I don’t remember when my passion for art began, but all became real in 1992 when I met the artist-designer Elisabetta[...]

Thank you for stopping by my page.
I am an artist from the north west of Italy.
I don’t remember when my passion for art began, but all became real in 1992 when I met the artist-designer Elisabetta Ajani and I took part in her watercolor art classes. Since then, I have explored different techniques in artists’ studios and attended art classes at the Art Academy of Turin and at Akademie der Bildenden Kunste in Kolbermoor, mosaic workshops in Ravenna, ceramic workshops in Tuscany.

Nature is my inspiration: suggestions, impressions and emotions captured from the elements of nature are impressed on the canvas in order to give a different look beyond the visible. With multiple layers of colors and incorporating materials such as impasto, plaster, pumice stone, sand and pigment powders, my aim is to create texture and depth that makes every work of mine unique.
In the artworks of this gallery you can find landscapes and different natural environments; some artworks are more figurative, others are between figurative and abstract. Some artworks offer a my personal vision of the woman.

My paintings are signed and I attach the certificate of authenticity to each piece of work.

I am available to do commissions and I will be happy to answer all your questions.
Thank for your interest!

Main exibitions

Partecipazione di Nadia Larosa a PARATISSIMA ART FAIR –TORINO 2019-10-28
dal 30 ottobre 2019 al 3 novembre 2019
TEMA:  interpretare la pluralità di mondi (immaginari o reali) e la moltiplicazione dei punti di vista attraverso il linguaggio dell’Arte.

Partecipazione di Nadia Larosa  alla mostra collettiva organizzata da Ossimoro Art Gallery dal titolo: La Forma dell’Informale. Presso Ossimoro Art Gallery - Via Carlo Ignazio Giulio 6 10122 Torino dal 14 al 28 maggio 2019

Art&design Week UnaHotel Expo fiera Milano by Passepartout Unconventional Art - Elena Ferrari #passepartoutgallery  April 6-20, 2019

22nd september – 20th october 2018 – ArtEscape – Palazzo Zenobio – Venezia – Italy

8th – 18th dicember 2016 - Veritas Feminae - Villa Bernasconi – Cernobbio - Italy
 23rd september – 5th october 2016 - I colori di fine estate - Piazza dell'arte – Torino - Italy

Nadia Larosaからもっと見る

段ボールのアクリル | 9.3x6.9 in
キャンバスのアクリル | 19.7x19.7 in
段ボールのコラージュ | 13.8x13.8 in
段ボールのコラージュ | 13.8x13.8 in

