Myungsoo Yi 个人资料图片

Myungsoo Yi

艺术家 (拼贴)
出生于 未知日期

As an artist based in South Korea, I specialize in recreating virtual spaces on canvas, drawing inspiration from my personal experiences and memories.

Each of my artworks serves as a reflection of philosophical introspection. Delving into my own past, I find motifs in childhood memories, such as the soft glow filtering through paper windows and the intricate imagery observed through worn window holes.

Strolling through the historic streets of Seoul, I'm reminded of the nostalgic charm of traditional Korean aesthetics, particularly the paper windows that once adorned homes. This connection between past and present fuels my creativity, infusing my artwork with layers of sentiment and meaning.

In my process, I utilize Hanji, a traditional Korean paper known for its translucency. By layering and burning Hanji on canvas, I create a unique "reflecting effect," reminiscent of the paper windows of old. The meticulous process of burning, overlapping, and layering results in organic artworks with irregular patterns that add depth and direction to the canvas.

Each layer of Hanji contributes to the texture, durability, and density of the final piece, requiring careful attention to detail to achieve the desired visual impact. The burning time determines the size of the holes in the paper, revealing glimpses of the underlying imagery. This delicate balance parallels the intricacies of building meaningful relationships, where every element must be carefully considered to create a cohesive whole.

Through my art, I find a profound sense of self-expression and connection with others. Each canvas becomes a canvas full of stories, inviting viewers to engage in a dialogue and explore the depths of human experience. It is both a pleasure and a privilege to share my journey and interact with others through the medium of art.

探索Myungsoo Yi的当代艺术品,浏览最近的艺术品并在线购买。 分类: 韩国当代艺术家. 艺术领域: 拼贴. 艺术家表示Unikarts Gallery. 帐户类型: 艺术家 , 加入会员自2024 (出生国家 韩国). 在Artmajeur上购买Myungsoo Yi的最新作品: Myungsoo Yi:发现惊人的作品的当代艺术家。浏览艺术品,购买原创作品或高档的印象。

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