Marica Pais Immagine del profilo

Marica Pais

Roma, Italia
Artista (Pittura, Arte digitale)
Nato a data sconosciuta

Marica Pais is born to Power, but it is moved with the family to Rome to the age of 7 years. Since small extension artistic attitudes and love towards the world of the Art. After the liceali studies, it is enrolled to the Academy of Fine Arts in via of Ripetta to Rome, and in particular it follows the studies of decoration and painting. One is interested, later on, also to the studies of graphical illustration and the symbolic iconography of the Tarocchi, like to the world of myths.


It collaborates to the creation of customs and jewels and as aid scenografo to the Theatre experiences them "Dioniso" of Rome. It executes various plannings for inner furnishings of and architecture of garden, placing particular attention to the study of the ecological materials. Collaborations: - Goldoni Theatre of Rome year 1980: Creations of customs and jewels - Theatre experiences them Dioniso of Rome, years 1980/81: Costumista and Aiuto Scenografo, under the Artistic Direction of Giancarlo Celli and Giancarlo Sepe - Progettazioni and Ideazioni, years 1983/86: House Idea, Ikonos, Emme Space; Private spaces espositi to you for "Stands", Furnishings of inner, Achitettura of garden; - Photographic Preparations, years 1987/93: Still Life, Fashion and Publicity; - Study of Proteus Architecture, year 2000: Inner garden and decorations. Extensions: After to have exposed from 1980 to 2001, in various private galleries in Italy and to the Foreign country, - in the 2002 Ministry of the Economy and Italian Finances comes to them demanded to on behalf execute a trittico of the Society Sogei S.P.A. (Ministry of the Economy and Italian Finances), from the 2003 same one is exposed in the Office of Presidency of the same Socità; - in the July of 2004 it comes invited to expose in the Castle of Felline (lecce - Italy), one personal with the Sponsorship of the Common one of Alliste-Felline, the title it is: "Breath... Primordiale"; - to one collective to Rome for the extension of the tablet, near the association "One Road for the Art" in NATO them 2004; - of continuation nella Church of style Romanico and Auditorium di San Pancrazio to Tarquinia (Vt), in one collective of 29 European Artists dal 26 al June 2005; - to the inside of theArtistico-Culturale event, "EUROMEDITERRANEAMALIA... Harmony of Images, Sounds, Words ", carried out from 6 August to the 4 September 05, in the Castle of Felline (Lecce - Italy), sponsored of the Common one of Alliste- Felline; - personal from the 6 to 18 May 06 near the Alice bookcase in Rome.


1) "Breath... Primordiale " The painting of the artist is the spell, the surprise, the astonishment to stop themselves and to observe the nature. Magical places pervadono the mind of firm who to admire the several works. Mythology us filler behind in the ere primordiali donating feelings of freschezza, purity and infinite dolcezza to us in the being leaves of it. "the Unicorno, the Fenice, the Tiger, the Anchovies, the ...

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