Malka Tsentsiper 个人资料图片

Malka Tsentsiper

Modi'in, 以色列
艺术家 (绘画, 数字艺术)
出生于 1947

Malka Tsentsiper was born in Vilnius, Lithuania (fmr. USSR) in 1947. In 1966 immigrated to Israel.
Malka Tsentsiper studied Mathematics in Technion, Haifa (1966 – 1969), and Musicology at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem (1970 – 1973).
After completing her university studies during the next 20 years Malka Tsentsiper worked as computer programmer. At the same time she started her Art studies: first at public courses in the Israeli Museum and at the Center of Arts in Jerusalem followed by studies and practices at private studios of known Israeli artists. About 15 years ago Malka Tsentsiper has left her previous occupation and fully devoted herself to art. Today Malka’s paintings and sculptures are known in Israel and abroad (USA, France, Spain, Mexico, Greece, Germany etc.)
Member - The Professional Visual Artists Association of Israel
Association Internationale des Arts Plastiques (International Association of Art) (aff. UNESCO)

2003 – 2021    Group and personal exhibitions in Israel, France, Germany, Portugal, Poland, USA, Canada, frm. USSR, and other

探索Malka Tsentsiper的当代艺术品,浏览最近的艺术品并在线购买。 分类: 当代以色列艺术家. 艺术领域: 绘画, 数字艺术. 帐户类型: 艺术家 , 加入会员自2008 (出生国家 以色列). 在Artmajeur上购买Malka Tsentsiper的最新作品: Malka Tsentsiper:发现惊人的作品的当代艺术家。浏览艺术品,购买原创作品或高档的印象。

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