L.O.V.E. Stickerbomb - Love is Contrast (2022) 拼贴 由 Magmagmag

拼贴在木上, 49.2x49.2 in

发货地: 德国 (盒子或纸箱包装) 在1周
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People love many different things, often opposite things like hardcore metal and pink plush. Or rainbow cotton candy and rally racing. Opposites attract, they are like ying and yang. It's the same with the L.O.V.E. artwork - the hard, Old English script contrasts and, in the same breath, harmonizes with the colorful sticker background and up-side-down[...]
People love many different things, often opposite things like hardcore metal and pink plush. Or rainbow cotton candy and rally racing. Opposites attract, they are like ying and yang. It's the same with the L.O.V.E. artwork - the hard, Old English script contrasts and, in the same breath, harmonizes with the colorful sticker background and up-side-down splashes of color. The canvases show love for favorite food, favorite comic book and favorite band - all in contrast to each other, because love can be anything.


Mixed Media Pop Art
4 single Pieces, each 60x60 cm
Size hanging on Wall ca. 125x125 cm
Handmade XL Wood Canvas with ca. 4cm deep
XL 5mm thick 3D Wood Letters
Splash Effect on Letters
Printed Labels MashUp
Background out hundreds of Stickers
Upside Down Color Effect
Paper, Acryl, Marker and Spraypaint
Signed on Back, © MAGMAGMAG | ArtOfMag
Sides taped
Made in Germany - 2021
Incl. Certificate of Authenticity


LoveMusicOld EnglishGothicSticker

MAG MAG MAG stands for creative creations from the fields of neo-pop art and mixed media. Influenced by street art, comics, series and movies from childhood. Musically guided by rap, hip hop, songs from the[...]

MAG MAG MAG stands for creative creations from the fields of neo-pop art and mixed media. Influenced by street art, comics, series and movies from childhood. Musically guided by rap, hip hop, songs from the 80s and 90s, new metal and rock. Her images are colorful, playful and yet always sugared with a message. With her extraordinary knack for form, color and material, she creates a wonderful interplay of message and visuals.

In her works, Mag works with personally selected vintage materials such as old comics, thematically appropriate book pages, original cassettes & floppy disks. She loves to play with contrasts and opposites and create different perspectives on topics like love, money and one's own self-esteem.

All in all, her work reflects her essence: a digital native with a fine knack for art & craft. A person with a lot of heart for music, design, graffiti, pop culture and the tendency to want to give a message to their environment.

That is the ArtofMag


拼贴在木上 | 31.5x31.5 in
纸在木上 | 49.2x49.2 in
雕塑 - 胶带 | 22.1x22.1 in
拼贴在木上 | 31.5x31.5 in

