Pleasure Cold (2020) Malarstwo autorstwa Ms Amé

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Sprzedawca Ms Amé

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33,31 USD
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  1203 px  

1500 px
Wymiary pliku (px) 1203x1500
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Bank dzieł sztuki
  • Oryginalna praca (One Of A Kind) Malarstwo, Emalia / Akryl / Olej na Drewno
  • Wymiary Wysokość 19,7in, Szerokość 15,8in
  • Stan grafiki Grafika jest w idealnym stanie!
  • Oprawianie w ramy Ta grafika nie jest oprawiona
  • Kategorie Obrazy poniżej 20 000 USD Abstrakcyjna
MAEN DUPPA is a contemporary painter who discovered a new movement in art NATURE ENERGY ART (NEA). This new style looks like abstraction, which does not present anything that physically exists. But NEA depicts the matter of earth & the flow of water - which have forms. These are > mountains, forests, rivers and oceans. Therefore this[...]
MAEN DUPPA is a contemporary painter who discovered a new movement in art NATURE ENERGY ART (NEA). This new style looks like abstraction, which does not present anything that physically exists. But NEA depicts the matter of earth & the flow of water - which have forms. These are > mountains, forests, rivers and oceans. Therefore this new style it is not an abstraction > it is a new expression of nature in PAINTING


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Przetłumaczone automatycznie
Artist paints curious and characterful landscape paintings inspired by Canary Islands about beauty of chaos in the nature. She is In love with the trees's vibrant disorderliness, the intangible shapes[...]

Artist paints curious and characterful landscape paintings inspired by Canary Islands about beauty of chaos in the nature. She is In love with the trees's vibrant disorderliness, the intangible shapes of crashed volcanic ground and extatic motions of waves of the oceans. Varying irelations of black and white forms, but also deep blue, greens and reds — are what define artist'’s unmistakable palette and style.

Artist's expressive pictures are proxies for the viewer to connect with their own memories of their meetings with beauty of nature.

Her works offer a new, deeper, more emotional look on the relationship between human and nature.

Ludwig Wittgenstein said that there is existing only what we can express with language we speak and write. I think that what is the deepest in our souls and the most important in our emotions - we are not able name it in words. These feelings are multi-leveled complicated. And they are existing and influence our life. Often from subconcieus and night dreams. I paint usually the most escited moments in my life, a peak of my spiritual exctasy , about I would never could say any words.

Zobacz więcej od Ms Amé

Zobacz wszystkie dzieła
Akryl na Płótno | 23,6x31,5 in
5 448,49 USD
Akryl na Drewno | 19,7x27,6 in
7 344,3 USD
Atrament na Płótno | 23,6x31,5 in
6 317,12 USD
Olej na Płótno | 23,6x31,5 in
5 159,7 USD


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