Coffee Morning (2024) 絵画 Liudmila Pisliakova によって

キャンバスのオイル, 27.6x23.6 in
プライス: 送料無料
お客様のレビュー (11)
発送元: イギリス (ボックスまたはカートンのパッケージ) 2日内で発送
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  • 包装 (ボックスまたはカートンのパッケージ) すべてのアートワークは、慎重に保護され、保険がかけられたプレミアムキャリアで出荷されます。
  • モニタリング 購入者への引き渡しまでのご注文の追跡. 追跡番号が提供されるので、リアルタイムで荷物を追跡できます。
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最大解像度: 2000 x 2330 px

販売者 Liudmila Pisliakova

  • オリジナルのアートワーク (One Of A Kind) 絵画, キャンバスの オイル
  • 寸法 高さ 27.6in, 幅 23.6in
  • アートワークの状態 アートワークは完璧な状態です
  • フレーミング このアートワークは額装されていません
  • カテゴリ 絵画 $1,000未満 表現主義 舞台芸術
• Original oil painting • Oil on stretched fine cotton canvas • Gallery quality • Only the best quality of art materials and oil paints were used • Palette knife, brush textured strokes • Size: 60x70cm • Dated and signed by the artist • Work comes complete with a Certificate of Authenticity [...]
• Original oil painting
• Oil on stretched fine cotton canvas
• Gallery quality
• Only the best quality of art materials and oil paints were used
• Palette knife, brush textured strokes
• Size: 60x70cm
• Dated and signed by the artist
• Work comes complete with a Certificate of Authenticity


CoffeeGirl By The SeaSunny MorningChocolate BrownCoffee Time

Liudmila Pisliakova is a passionate self-taught artist based in the beautiful town of Broughty Ferry, Scotland. She spent many years traveling the world, immersing herself in diverse cultures and living in[...]

Liudmila Pisliakova is a passionate self-taught artist based in the beautiful town of Broughty Ferry, Scotland. She spent many years traveling the world, immersing herself in diverse cultures and living in various countries across three continents before finally settling in Scotland. Always driven by her love for art, she decided to follow her heart and turn her passion into a career.

Liudmila draws inspiration from her diverse cultural experiences, infusing them into her paintings. She particularly enjoys working with oil and tempera paints and silverpoint, as they provide an ideal medium for expressing her inner thoughts and emotions.

Nature, Scotland's unique landscapes, culture, and people serve as a constant source of inspiration for Liudmila. Her art captures the essence of flowers, sunshine, the vividness of blue skies, the scent of green grass, rolling waves breaking onto the beach, as well as smiling faces, emotions, feelings, and thoughts that bring her joy.

Liudmila has actively participated in exhibitions, showcasing her work in San Francisco Bay Area, Los Angeles, Tokyo, and now regularly exhibits her art in Scotland. Currently her works presented by Sproson Gallery in St Andrews, Scotland. She is a proud member of the Broughty Ferry Art Society and feels honoured for the recognition and awards she has received. She is grateful that her paintings have found homes in collectors' houses all around the world.

Liudmila Pisliakovaからもっと見る

キャンバスのオイル | 19.7x27.6 in
キャンバスのオイル | 23.6x23.6 in
キャンバスのオイル | 15.8x15.8 in
紙のシルバーポイント | 12.6x16.1 in

