Grass for the rabbits (2022) 写真撮影 Liliia Kucher によって

写真撮影, 11.7x16.5 in
プライス: 送料無料
販売者 Liliia Kucher
お客様のレビュー (4)
発送元: ポルトガル (チューブ) 2日内で発送
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  • 限定版 (#1/20) 写真撮影, 紙の デジタル
  • 寸法 高さ 11.7in, 幅 16.5in
  • アートワークの状態 アートワークは完璧な状態です
  • フレーミング このアートワークは額装されていません
  • カテゴリ 写真 $500未満 印象主義 風景
The print is part of my ongoing work Body.Mind.Land where I explore connections between the body, the mind and the environment. The main inspiration comes from overcoming major depressive disorder. It's a time when I profoundly felt the interrelationship between my physical and mental well-being, and the impact of the environment on my health.[...]
The print is part of my ongoing work Body.Mind.Land where I explore connections between the body, the mind and the environment. The main inspiration comes from overcoming major depressive disorder. It's a time when I profoundly felt the interrelationship between my physical and mental well-being, and the impact of the environment on my health. The work consists of three parts: Body, Mind, and Land. These parts are interconnected, and explain each respective concept in relation to the experience of recovery from depression.


Being connected to nature has been meaningful to me since I was a child. I grew up in a rural area surrounded by wild grasses, crops and woods. When I started feeling daunted by depression, retreats into nature added a new purpose: self-replenishment. No matter how terrible I was feeling, after a walk in a park or by the seashore, I felt restored and the spark of feeling alive was reignited. Often I was taking a camera with me, and I was photographing whatever caught my attention on the way. I kept doing this exercise during and post-depression. In this way, pictures of nature refer to these therapeutic walks and represent different moods and states of mind I experienced at the time of photographing them.

Pigment prints on archival cotton paper

22 x 33 cm on 29,7 x 42 cm paper

Limited edition of 20

Each print is made with archival pigment inks on 100% cotton, acid and lignin free, Hanhemuhle Museum Etching 350 g paper

They are produced by Atelier de Imagem lab, in Lisbon, and certified within the Digigraphie system

The prints are numbered and hand signed by me, and are accompanied by their corresponding certificate

They are sold not framed, but if you would like to order one already framed please contact me directly and we can organise it



LiliiaKucherはドキュメンタリー写真家です。彼女の写真は、彼女の幼い頃のトラウマ的な出来事の記憶に対する彼女の進化する反応に影響されています。 空想と想像力が彼女の天国になり、彼女は人生の前向きな瞬間に対する感受性を高めました。彼女の作品は、個人的な経験、場所、人々から着想を得ています。記憶、喪失、家族、憧れ、ファンタジー、そして自然の癒しの力はすべて、彼女の作品の中で繰り返されるテーマです。 [...]



Liliia Kucherは、キエフとリスボンを拠点とするドキュメンタリー写真家です。 2017年、彼女は写真の仕事を始めました。彼女はロンドン芸術大学をフォトジャーナリズムとドキュメンタリー写真の学位で卒業しました。彼女はイギリス中の多くの会場に出展し、いくつかの賞を受賞しています(This-Ability Photography Award、ファイナリスト、2018年、Aestheticaの次世代賞の10人の候補者の1人に選ばれました、2021年8月...)。

Liliia Kucherからもっと見る

写真撮影 | 11.7x16.5 in
写真撮影 | 11.7x16.5 in
写真撮影 | 11.7x16.5 in
写真撮影 | 11.7x16.5 in

