The Arabian Dancer (2008) 絵画 L'Orientaliste によって

キャンバスのオイル, 12x6 in
プライス: 送料無料
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L'Orientaliste が販売

  • オリジナルのアートワーク (One Of A Kind) 絵画, キャンバスの オイル
  • 寸法 高さ 12in, 幅 6in
  • フレーミング このアートワークは額装されていません
  • カテゴリ 絵画 $500未満 造形美術
Title: The Arabian Dancer (2008) Medium: oil on canvas (unframed) Style: Orientalism signed by the artist Size 12 x 6 inches chunky canvas The scene of this painting depicts a Middle Eastern dance, in the West known as “danse du ventre” which was applied to the dance in the Victorian era. The female[...]
Title: The Arabian Dancer (2008)
Medium: oil on canvas (unframed)
Style: Orientalism
signed by the artist
Size 12 x 6 inches chunky canvas

The scene of this painting depicts a Middle Eastern dance, in the West known as “danse du ventre” which was applied to the dance in the Victorian era.

The female exotic dancer is drapped in a traditional exotic dress, white flowing chiffon with a colourful vivid pink and mauve silk waiste sash, matching mauve bodice and head scarf her pose and costume suggests elegance, while performing a traditional oriental dance in bare feet. The dancer is waving pink scarf rippling through the air as she dances.

To the right of the dancer, is a traditional richly decorated arabic coffee table with flowers, fallen spent flower petals scattered upon the lush rich brown rug with the dancer's shoes.

The oil painting is captured on a small chunky canvas 12 x 6 inches by artist R M Lawrence.


Orientaliste PaintingPainting Arabian DancerOdalisqueHarem InteriorOrientalist Artist Artmajeur

Artist: Rozlynn M Lawrence-Manasfi Genre: MENA Orientalist Middle East and North African "MENA" artist, whose works predominantly represent orientalist era in the arts of ancient Middle[...]

Artist: Rozlynn M Lawrence-Manasfi
Genre: MENA Orientalist

Middle East and North African "MENA" artist, whose works predominantly represent orientalist era in the arts of ancient Middle East, North Africa, Egypt and Turkey, depicting scenes of Arabian pictorial history in landscape and figurative style.

Fantasy of the Orient
Her paintings are a romantic fantasy of the Orient, populated with exotic rich sensual and colourful scenes of worlds beyond Europe, illustrating rug sellers, dancers, harems, turbaned men in luscious velvet cloaks, the alluring odalisques, women in luxurious clothing, jewelled slippers, silks and velvet gowns with beautiful beaded embellishment, dusty bazaars, souks, snake charmers, with traders in the bustling Arabic markets, selling their wares of beautiful orient trinkets, hookah, lush decorative fabrics, beautiful textiles in vibrant glowing shimmering colours of red, green, gold, blue, yellow and pink, lavish tapestry, beautiful Arabesque tiles, mosques and architecture to the golden sands of the hot desert and palm trees, an oasis set in a mysterious far away land.

About the Artist
English autodidactic painter, born in London, grew up in the 1960's Shoreditch, London.

Her artistic influence expanded and blossomed with the introduction of Orientalism in art in the early 1980's. Beautifully vibrant and lush, she populated a series of Middle East, Orientalist scenes in Watercolour by famous artists Giulio Rosati and Antonio Gargiullo.

By the late 1980's she developed her own style, painting more in oils extending her skills to commissioned work for friends, painting their favourite subjects. In the 1990's a window opened to assist at a local community Sunday art club at Napier Grove N1, run by artists for the local community, thus proving opportunity to interact with other artists an opportunity to network, show and exhibit her works at the club, with encouragement to show and sell her paintings to a wider audience.

Exhibitions and Selling
In the past a handful of paintings were shown in the gallery space at the Lion and Lamb, Hoxton, she exhibited a painting in the London Mall Gallery in the 1980's, but rarely participate in exhibitions, painting being secondary to her main professional career, nevertheless the Artist has successfully sold most of her works, as demonstrated by the steady sales of her paintings in the UK and Europe to private clients and galleries.

A collection of her paintings can be viewed at her portfolio on the Artmajeur Gallery website. Details about the Artist are documented on Wikipedia.

Some much earlier paintings bear the FAR branding with FAR tags. These were documented on the Fine Art Registry (FAR) until FAR abandoned hundreds of artists without warning, the site went down in 2012 with no recovery of digital images. Fortunately, most digital images were curated on the Artmajeur platform.

Thank you for visiting.


紙のオイル | 10.5x13 in
紙の水彩画 | 26x12 in
リネンキャンバスのアクリル | 15.8x11.8 in
キャンバスのオイル | 14x18 in

