Illuminated past (2020) 摄影 由 Marek Kopnicky

摄影, 23.6x35.4 in
价格: 免费送货
VamosiArt 出售
发货地: 斯洛伐克 (管) 在3天
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Printing on premium 325g satin paper LOMOND GOLD Baryta. The quality of the printed photos is completely identical to that of a professional photo obtained by the traditional chemical method. Story about photography: "Strange feelings overwhelm you when you look at the majestic ruins of the old castle. It radiates strong[...]
Printing on premium 325g satin paper LOMOND GOLD Baryta.
The quality of the printed photos is completely identical to that of a professional photo obtained by the traditional chemical method.

Story about photography:
"Strange feelings overwhelm you when you look at the majestic ruins of the old castle. It radiates strong mystical and mysterious energies. No wonder, because this place has been for many centuries a scene and witness to countless events that have significantly affected the lives of thousands of people.
Behind the walls of this ancient castle, people found a safe haven from the invasions of the bleeding Mongols, and later the brave defenders of the castle successfully repulsed the attacks of other conquerors. The rattling of the weapons seemed to be felt in the air even today.
But it's not just battles, bits and wars that are associated with the castle. Rich feasts and exuberant pastimes of the nobles took place in its great halls, stories of loves, relationships and friendships were born and developed in the rooms, and life stories of hundreds of people were written.
Today, only ruins remain of all this. However, we subconsciously perceive that the ruins of the castle are not just an inanimate heap of boulders, but that they still radiate invisible, indefinable energies - traces of the fate of the people for whom this castle was once the center of their world. The spirit of time is still here and it affects us very intensely. Especially when he is assisted by the mystical phenomena of nature - sunrise or sunset, haze, thick winter inversion, night sky ...
In these moments, as if time has stood still, the ancient past merges with the present, the earthly world, and we in it with the infinite universe.
It is these moments, these feelings, that capture the photographs of Marek Kopnický. And that's why it's good to have them at home ..."



Marek Kopnicky 是一位摄影师,他更关心他在使相机镜头永垂不朽时的深刻感受,而不是全球展览和荣誉。他将大量的闲暇时间花在大自然中,耐心地等待大自然母亲呈现出令人惊叹的、通常是神秘的完美和谐场景的难得时刻。他数十年训练有素的视力,以及他的直觉直觉,使他能够捕捉大自然迷人的无限游戏并将其带入我们的家中。 他特别迷恋斯洛伐克的壮丽环境,这里以高塔特拉山脉高耸的山峰为主,周围环绕着美丽的山谷、林地和成群的马吃草的草地。然而,中世纪城堡、教堂和小教堂的神秘能量让他着迷。西班牙海滩的照片非常值得一看。除了一丝美丽和浪漫之外,它们还隐藏着一丝神秘感。 [...]

Marek Kopnicky 是一位摄影师,他更关心他在使相机镜头永垂不朽时的深刻感受,而不是全球展览和荣誉。他将大量的闲暇时间花在大自然中,耐心地等待大自然母亲呈现出令人惊叹的、通常是神秘的完美和谐场景的难得时刻。他数十年训练有素的视力,以及他的直觉直觉,使他能够捕捉大自然迷人的无限游戏并将其带入我们的家中。


Marek Kopnicky 在斯洛伐克生活和工作。 Marek 的图像可以在世界各地的数百个家庭、公寓、办公室和酒店中找到。他们还以插画家的身份为 10 多本书做出了贡献。

查看更多的Marek Kopnicky

摄影 | 23.6x35.4 in
摄影 | 35.4x23.6 in
摄影 | 23.6x35.4 in
摄影 | 23.6x35.4 in

