Pichwai Painting ( Lord Krishna ) 1 (2021) 絵画 Kailesh Jee によって

ファブリックのアクリル, 18x24 in
プライス: 送料無料
発送元: インド (チューブ) 2日内で発送
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  • オリジナルのアートワーク (One Of A Kind) 絵画, ファブリックの アクリル
  • 寸法 高さ 18in, 幅 24in
  • アートワークの状態 アートワークは完璧な状態です
  • カテゴリ 絵画 $1,000未満 部族芸術 部族
Pichwai (pichvai) is a style of painting that originated over 400 years ago, in the town of Nathdwara near Udaipur in Rajasthan, India. Intricate and visually stunning, pichwai paintings, made on cloth, depict tales from Lord Krishna's life. Creating a pichwai can take several months, and requires immense skill, as the smallest details need to[...]
Pichwai (pichvai) is a style of painting that originated over 400 years ago, in the town of Nathdwara near Udaipur in Rajasthan, India. Intricate and visually stunning, pichwai paintings, made on cloth, depict tales from Lord Krishna's life. Creating a pichwai can take several months, and requires immense skill, as the smallest details need to be painted with precision. Lord Krishna is often depicted as Shrinathji in Pichwais, which is the deity manifest as a seven-year-old child. Other common subjects found in pichwai paintings are Radha, gopis, cows and lotuses. Festivals and celebrations such as Sharad Purnima, Raas Leela, Annakoot or Govardhan Puja, Janmashtami, Gopashtami, Nand Mahotsav, Diwali and Holi are frequently depicted in Pichwais.

The word Pichwai comes from 'pichh' meaning back, and 'wai', meaning textile hanging. They are made by members of the Pushti Marg sect, founded by Shri Vallabhacharya in the 16th Century. Originally, pichwai paintings were used to decorate the temple of Shrinathji (Shrinathji ki Haveli) in Nathdwara, hung behind the deity to celebrate different seasons, festivals and events in Lord Krishna's life. Over time, pichwais also found a place in the homes of art connoisseurs, owing to their visual appeal. Like several other traditional Indian art forms, the


Tribal ArtFolk ArtOps Art GalleryPichwai PintingLord Krishna

OPS Art Galleryによって表さアーティスト

Kailesh Jeeからもっと見る

ファブリックの水彩画 | 11x6.5 in
ファブリックのアクリル | 24x18 in
ファブリックのアクリル | 18x24 in
ファブリックの水彩画 | 22x16 in

