Jorge Gonzalez プロフィールの写真

Jorge Gonzalez

Miami, フロリダ, アメリカ合衆国
アーティスト (絵画)

Jorge R. Gonzalez

I have been influenced by many artists for a variety of reasons. These artists have works that attract me to them in special ways. I have many favorite pieces, but I tend to have a few favorites such Michelangelo’s Moses because of the energy that he was able to bring out of the stone and the size which conveys a true sense of the impact that this man has had on human history, thought and beliefs. Picasso’s Guernica because of the expansive yet intimate capture of a tragedy in his homeland. Starry Night by Van Gogh because of the visual movement that he was able create on a two-dimensional medium. Karel Appel because of the rawness of color and greater than life scale of the pieces. Lastly Cristo and Jeanne-Claude’s many works because of the process of creation and conceptual aspects which totally intrigued me about their work.

I don’t have a preferred medium which in a way brings more freedom to my creative process. I will use any medium that allows me to convey what my goal for the piece will be, with understanding I consider myself a multi-media artist. I don’t limit myself to just painting or sculpture or photography but any of those disciplines that will carry my thoughts to conclusion, will be used by me. I have totally navigated away from photography, finding it to lack the freedom of expression that a canvas or a three-dimensional piece can give. Currently, I have navigated towards painting on canvas with acrylics, because it allows me more access to work in a series. I have limited my canvas size for the current series, since the messages in these works have a more intimate, almost diary page aspect to them.

My working process tends to be as follows: First a feeling or inspiration comes to me from many aspects of my life, then I will work on a plan to bring the idea/message to the final result. Sometimes it will be a series of works which allows me to explore the original inspiration to a point of coming to a full conclusion. I will look for inspiration in my daily life, childhood memories, religious experiences, politics and current events.

My themes tend to rest on life as a major component, I don’t strive to just place paint down or carve a piece of wood out for the sake of the process, but I strive to point out moments, places, things and feelings related to our existence in this beautiful planet. Communication is always the goal in my work. Religious iconography is to be found in many of my pieces, since my beliefs and life rest strongly on my experiences in Christ, but at the same time I don’t believe in using my work to preach to the viewer what my beliefs are. My work might have certain religious elements but there is a place for preaching and a painting on a wall is not what I feel is the correct venue for it.

Jorge Gonzalezによる現代アート作品を見つけ、最近のアートワークを閲覧し、オンラインで購入します。 カテゴリ: 現代アメリカ人アーティスト. 芸術的ドメイン: 絵画. 口座の種類: アーティスト , 2023以来のメンバー (原産国 アメリカ合衆国). ArtmajeurでJorge Gonzalezの最新作品を購入する: 現代アーティストJorge Gonzalezによる素晴らしい芸術を発見してください。アートワークを閲覧したり、オリジナルアートやハイエンドプリントを購入したりできます。

Jorge Gonzalez プロフィールの写真 大

アーティストの価値, バイオグラフィー, アーティストのスタジオ:




Jorge Gonzalezのすべての作品

お問い合わせJorge Gonzalez
Jorge Gonzalezにプライベートメッセージを送る

