Mary and Child Surrounded by Seraphim and Cherubim 绘画 由 Jean Fouquet


卖家 Artmajeur Editions



客户评价 优秀

卖家 Artmajeur Editions

  • 原创艺术品 绘画,
  • 外形尺寸 高度 37.2in, 宽度 33.7in
  • 是否含画框 此作品未装裱
  • 分类 古典主义 宗教
La peinture "Marie et l'enfant entourés de séraphins et de chérubins" est une œuvre emblématique de l'artiste français Jean Fouquet, réalisée au XVe siècle. La peinture représente Marie, la mère de Jésus, tenant l'enfant Jésus dans ses bras, entourée de séraphins et de chérubins. Les anges sont représentés avec[...]
La peinture "Marie et l'enfant entourés de séraphins et de chérubins" est une œuvre emblématique de l'artiste français Jean Fouquet, réalisée au XVe siècle.

La peinture représente Marie, la mère de Jésus, tenant l'enfant Jésus dans ses bras, entourée de séraphins et de chérubins. Les anges sont représentés avec des ailes colorées et des visages rayonnants, créant une impression de joie et de grâce. Le fond de la peinture est décoré d'un motif en relief, ajoutant de la profondeur et de la texture à la scène.

La peinture est remarquable pour sa beauté et son élégance, avec des couleurs riches et des détails exquis. Fouquet a utilisé des techniques de peinture sophistiquées pour créer une impression de lumière et de mouvement, donnant vie à la scène.



艺术家表示Artmajeur Editions
Jean Fouquet (1420-1481) was a French painter who is considered one of the most significant artists of the 15th century. He was born in Tours, France, and trained under his father, who was also a painter. Fouquet's[...]

Jean Fouquet (1420-1481) was a French painter who is considered one of the most significant artists of the 15th century. He was born in Tours, France, and trained under his father, who was also a painter.

Fouquet's early works show the influence of the Flemish and Italian styles, but he soon developed his own unique style that combined a keen observation of nature with a taste for elegant and refined forms. He was especially admired for his skill in creating lifelike portraits, and his work was highly sought after by the French nobility.

One of Fouquet's most famous works is the Melun Diptych, a two-panel painting commissioned by Etienne Chevalier, the treasurer to King Charles VII. The painting depicts Chevalier and his patron saint, St. Stephen, and is notable for its exquisite details, including the realistic rendering of fabrics and the delicate portrayal of facial expressions.

Fouquet was also known for his illuminated manuscripts, which were highly prized by the French court. One of his most famous manuscripts is the Grandes Chroniques de France, a history of France commissioned by King Louis XI. Fouquet's illustrations for this work are noted for their precision and detail, as well as their vibrant colors.

Fouquet's work had a significant influence on later French artists, including Jean Clouet and François Clouet, who were court painters to King Francis I. He is also considered an important figure in the development of Renaissance art in France.

Fouquet died in 1481 and is buried in the church of Saint-Eustache in Paris. His legacy continues to inspire and captivate art lovers today.

