Jan Lowe 个人资料图片

Jan Lowe

San Remo,, 澳大利亚
艺术家 (图画, 绘画)
出生于 1949

BIO – Jan Lowe, AGRA

Janice Lowe was born in the late 1940’s, has lived in England, New Zealand, Australia and work took her to the US, Canada South Africa, New Zealand, Europe, UK and back to Australia.   Changed her professional career from engineering services to a career in something she has loved all her life “Art” and practices as a Professional Artist, exhibitor and teacher in Scratchboard.

 As a self-taught artist and when she worked in North America and whilst remote from her AU family, completed a Fine Art Degree to further her development of her passion.  Keep learning, and reads, attends demons, exhibitions & workshops. 

Over the years, she has been very fortunate that her works have caught the eye of judges and she has won many awards, internationally and nationally.  Has had several solo exhibitions and joint exhibitions since 2006 and is to have another solo exhibition in June 2020.  

探索Jan Lowe的当代艺术品,浏览最近的艺术品并在线购买。 分类: 当代澳大利亚艺术家. 艺术领域: 图画, 绘画. 帐户类型: 艺术家 , 加入会员自2020 (出生国家 澳大利亚). 在Artmajeur上购买Jan Lowe的最新作品: Jan Lowe:发现惊人的作品的当代艺术家。浏览艺术品,购买原创作品或高档的印象。

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