The fantastic landscape of Amelie Pittura da Vittorio Franco

Acrilico, 5,5x5,5 in
536,83 USD
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Spedito da: Italia
Soddisfatti o rimborsati entro 14 giorni
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Transazione sicura al 100%
Resi gratuiti
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  • Dogana non inclusa Il prezzo non include le tasse doganali. La maggior parte dei paesi non ha tasse di importazione per le opere d'arte originali, ma potresti dover pagare l'IVA ridotta. Le tasse doganali (se presenti) devono essere calcolate all'arrivo dall'ufficio doganale e saranno fatturate separatamente dal vettore.
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  • Certificato di autenticità online tracciabile I certificati di autenticità possono essere verificati online in qualsiasi momento scansionando il codice dell'opera d'arte.
  • Certificato di quotazione d'artista Gli esperti studiano il lavoro e la carriera di un artista. In seguito stabiliscono un valore medio, in modo indipendente e affidabile, del prezzo. Il valore medio dei prezzi colloca l'artista in una fascia di prezzo per un determinato periodo. Gli esperti possono essere invitati a stabilire una stima più precisa per un'opera in particolare.
Transazione sicura al 100%, Metodi di pagamento accettati: Carta di credito, PayPal, Bonifico bancario.
Acquisto diretto sicuro La transazione è garantita da Artmajeur: il venditore verrà pagato solo una volta che il cliente avrà ricevuto l'opera d'arte.
Pagamento sicuro al 100% con certificato SSL + 3D Secure.
Resi gratuiti: Soddisfatti o rimborsati entro 14 giorni.
Ritorni accettati 14 giorni Artmajeur si impegna al 100% per la soddisfazione dei collezionisti: hai 14 giorni per restituire un'opera originale. L'opera deve essere restituita all'artista in perfette condizioni, nella sua confezione originale. Tutti gli articoli idonei possono essere restituiti (se non diversamente indicato).
Certificato di autenticità incluso
Quest'opera d'arte appare in 2 collezioni
  • Opera d'arte originale Pittura, Acrilico
  • Dimensioni Altezza 5,5in, Larghezza 5,5in
  • Categorie Quadri sotto i 1.000 USD Surrealismo
Used Symbols: > Fat plant: are plants that have adapted to living in the most uncomfortable areas of the globe with climates limit for most of the other plants. For this reason, usually the meaning of a succulent plant is to life, perseverance, for eternity. If you give away a cactus to a person we love, we are stating that your sentiment[...]
Used Symbols:
> Fat plant: are plants that have adapted to living in the most uncomfortable areas of the globe with climates limit for most of the other plants. For this reason, usually the meaning of a succulent plant is to life, perseverance, for eternity. If you give away a cactus to a person we love, we are stating that your sentiment is not passing, but it is long-lasting.
> The scale is a universal symbol: represents the dynamism the very life of man and his level of being, which always changes, at any moment, as inner growth.
> The boat in Egyptian thought is the vehicle of the gods. It is the dynamics of life, the desire, the will to be, to transform and control your own destiny.

The dimensions:
Height: 5.3 inches (13,5 cm)
Width: 5.3 inches (13,5 cm)
Depth: 0.1 inches (0.3 cm)

Dimensions with the frame
Height: 9.8 inches (25 cm)
Width: 9.8 inches (25 cm)
Depth: 1.5 inches (4 cm)

The signed certificate of authenticity is included in the back of the artwork.
The painting is wrapped in several layers of bubble wrap, carefully packed in a cardboard box, in order to ensure secure transport.

Note: For shipments outside Europe are required two weeks before sending the work to get the documents for export outside the Italian territory.

Copyright © Vittorio Franco - All rights reserved

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Fantasy Landscape

My artistic passion began at an early age, I always liked to paint and learn everything about the visual arts. I started painting at age 14, by imitating and studying the painting of the great masters. I attended[...]

My artistic passion began at an early age, I always liked to paint and learn everything about the visual arts. I started painting at age 14, by imitating and studying the painting of the great masters. I attended the Art Institute in Catania and then the Academy of Fine Arts in Urbino.
Because of my creative nature and thirst of curiosity, I have experienced in years of academic study, all aspects of the visual arts, installation and conceptual painting.
In my early career I undertook the role of illustrator, 3D artist, also occupandomi video production in advertising. I have worked for major international brands such as Ferrero for which I have participated in the creation of animated 3D games. I produced many animated cartoons and videos, creating animated characters and illustrations for advertising.
In 17 years of work experience, I think it is a complete artist, capable of having used my skills all the way, through the study of traditional painting, studying the painting techniques of the past, to the creation and design of 3D animated characters. But despite my rich curriculum, I have nostalgia for traditional art, I believe that the real meeting with their spirituality, their poetry and especially the artistic growth must go through ancestral archetype that is the matter, that the digital medium can not give. The artist's relationship with the picture is then an inner search, where through the study and research of pictorial and figurative solutions techniques, you can land as an alchemical transmutation in search of their spiritual intimacy.

Vedere più a proposito di Vittorio Franco

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