La liberté, l'égalité, la fraternité de la Tour Eiffel (2018) Arte digitale da Vinci Art

Arte digitale, 11,8x8,3 in
177,94 USD
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Venditore Vinci Art
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Ritorni accettati 14 giorni Artmajeur si impegna al 100% per la soddisfazione dei collezionisti: hai 14 giorni per restituire un'opera originale. L'opera deve essere restituita all'artista in perfette condizioni, nella sua confezione originale. Tutti gli articoli idonei possono essere restituiti (se non diversamente indicato).
Opera firmata dall'artista
Certificato di autenticità incluso
Quest'opera d'arte appare in 3 collezioni
Il est intitulé 'Yo-Yo-Art: La liberté, l'égalité, la fraternité de la Tour Eiffel (Yo-Yo-Art: Liberté, liberté, fraternité de la Tour Eiffel)'. La Tour Eiffel est un symbole symbolique de la Liberté et la liberté suite aux événements terroristes récents à Paris, France. 'Tour Eiffel' est un truc qui peut être préformé sur[...]
Il est intitulé 'Yo-Yo-Art: La liberté, l'égalité, la fraternité de la Tour Eiffel (Yo-Yo-Art: Liberté, liberté, fraternité de la Tour Eiffel)'. La Tour Eiffel est un symbole symbolique de la Liberté et la liberté suite aux événements terroristes récents à Paris, France. 'Tour Eiffel' est un truc qui peut être préformé sur un Yo-Yo.

Après les Spin Paintings, un Yo-Yo est le mécanisme de Spinning similaire signifiant mouvement, et il en explorant et en capturant ce mouvement dans son art, semblable à celui d'autres travaux d'artistes, Wassily Kandinsky, Joan Miro et Piet Mondrian.

La dernière image montre la Yo-Yo dans la position de 'Tour Eiffel'. Il est logique derrière l'image, comme il a pris l'emplacement des empreintes digitales de cette image, et transposé ceux-ci dans les cercles. Ainsi cercles bleu foncé indique le grand pouce, petit cercle jaune indique le petit doigt, etc. La chaîne a été transposée en lignes, de Red, White & Blue, le Tri-Couleurs du drapeau français.

Digital Print Limited Edition 1 de 25 Imprimé avec 10 encres sur papier photo 280g

It is entitled 'Yo-Yo-Art: La liberté, l'égalité, la fraternité de la Tour Eiffel (Yo-Yo-Art: Liberty, freedom, fraternity of Eiffel Tower). The Eiffel Tower is an Symbolic symbol of Liberty & Freedom following the recent Terrorists events in Paris, France. 'Eiffel Tower' is a trick that can be preformed on a Yo-Yo.

Following on from the Spin Paintings, a Yo-Yo is similar Spinning mechanism signifying movement, and he exploring and capturing this movement in his art, similar to that of other work of Artists, Wassily Kandinsky, Joan Miro & Piet Mondrain.

The last image shows the ‘Yo-Yo’ in the position of ‘Eiffel Tower’. There is Logic behind the image, as he’s has taken the location of fingerprints of this image, and transposed these into the circles. Thus dark blue circles indicates the large thumb, small yellow circle indicates the small finger etc. The string has been transposed into lines, of Red, White & Blue, the Tri-Colours of the French Flag.

Digital Print Limited Edition 1 of 25, Printed with 10 Inks on 280g Photo Paper

Temi correlati

EffielEffiel TowerParisYo-YoGame

Tradotto automaticamente
Biography Vinci is a Conceptual Artist and is best known for his abstract use of repetitive vertical, horizontal, and diagonal lines superimposed with four-letter words forming a playable word search.


Vinci is a Conceptual Artist and is best known for his abstract use of repetitive vertical, horizontal, and diagonal lines superimposed with four-letter words forming a playable word search.

“The idea or concept [Conceptual Art] is the most important aspect of the work, and I use any medium [painting, digital, printmaking or sculpture] to convey the idea to the piece of Fine Art”

The Artist is interested in the interaction between opposites, yin & yang, war & peace, love & hate, rich & poor, and life & death. The Artist juxtaposes these contrasts with the innocence of Toys and Games used in our youth.

His most recent body of work Style Series is influenced by De Styij or Style after Piet Mondrian [1872-1944]

His previous body of work includes Flags of the World which communicates with viewers through linguistics, semiotics, and cryptography. The series includes English, French, Italian, Spanish, German, and American Flags superimposed with four-letter words of their respective language forming a playable word search from A to Z.

His previous works include, Retro Celebrity Stars, which is a homage to Celebrities of our past from the films of the Hollywood Golden Era to the present day. Every one of these individuals helped create the world we live in today, and though we know their names, their actual images might be fading from our memory.

 Disasters of War, is a homage to Heroes and Villains from World War I & II, by the use of humorous and tongue-in-cheek language to explore the more serious issues of the past to the present day. Heroes and Villains are portrayed in life, death, and immortality by the use of toys of our innocent youth. The toys are used as a satirical look at the “Disasters of Wars” revealing shock and truths of war and violence in a playful way.

These works have been influenced by the Pop Art movement with simple outline drawings, infill textures, and comic text, with hidden messages, with playable word searches, such as the work by Michael Craig-Martin, Julian Opie, and Angela Bulloch, and he has been influenced by other art movements such as Cubism, Pablo Picasso, Dadaism, Marcel Duchamp, Neo-Plasticism, Piet Mondrian, Sensationalism Damien Hirst, Tracey Emin, and Chapman Brothers.

Digital Prints are printed with 10 colour archival quality pigment inks on 300g Photorag Paper and come with a Certificate of Authenticity

No Duties

UK digital print orders are shipped from London, UK

Europe digital prints orders are shipped from Dusseldorf Germany - No Custom Duty to Pay

Digital Prints are available as Limited Edition Prints of typically 1 of 25

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Arte digitale | 11,8x8,3 in
199,67 USD
Incisioni, stampe su Carta | 11,8x11,8 in
226,84 USD
Arte digitale | 15,8x11,8 in
335,5 USD
Arte digitale | 11,8x8,3 in
199,67 USD


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