Woman Portrait-1 (2000) Pittura da Tabriz Abdullayev

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Venditore Herati Art Collection

Certificato di autenticità incluso
Quest'opera d'arte appare in 5 collezioni
  • Opera d'arte originale Pittura, Olio su Tela
  • Dimensioni Altezza 19,3in, Larghezza 20,9in
  • Categorie Quadri sotto i 20.000 USD Espressionismo
Author: Tabriz Abdullayev Painting: Oil on canvas Subjects: Portrait Styles: Expressionism, Realism, Fine Art SIze: The painting is on 53cm x 49cm dimension. About: The artist keeps artwork in his private collection A proposito[...]
Author: Tabriz Abdullayev
Painting: Oil on canvas
Subjects: Portrait
Styles: Expressionism, Realism, Fine Art
SIze: The painting is on 53cm x 49cm dimension.
About: The artist keeps artwork in his private collection

Temi correlati

WomanPortraitExpressionismRealismOil On Canvas

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Artista rappresentato da Herati Art Collection
ABOUT Actually Tabriz Abdullayev`s artworks are loved in all over the world. His paintings are kept in private collections and galleries in Turkey, USA, Japan, Israel, Ukraine and many other countries[...]

Actually Tabriz Abdullayev`s artworks are loved in all over the world. His paintings are kept in private collections and galleries in Turkey, USA, Japan, Israel, Ukraine and many other countries of Europe.
From the first exhibitions Tabriz Abdullaev got attention to his “extraordinary”, different from other kind of art. Strolling through the galleries and watching pictures, his paintings immediately catch the eye.

1972-1979 – Art School named after Azim Azimzade
1979-1985 – National Academy of Fine Arts and Architecture (NAOMA)
1986 – Member of the Union of Artists of Azerbaijan

2007 – Honored Artist of Azerbaijan Republic.
2011 – Presidential Scholarship.

1985 – Exhibition of the Union of Artists of Azerbaijan.
1987 – Exhibition “The youth of the country”, Moscow.
1988 – The exhibition “Art of Azerbaijan”, Paris.
1990 – The exhibition “Art of Azerbaijan”, Denmark.
1995 – The exhibition “The artworks of Azerbaijani artists”, Istanbul
2000 – The representative of culture of Azerbaijan, the Olympic Games in Sydney.
2002 – Personal exhibition, Baku.
2004 – Exhibition in the framework of the Days of Azerbaijani Culture, Abu Dhabi.
2005 – Exhibition of the CHA, Moscow.
2005 – Exhibition of the international organization TURKSOY, Turkey.
2005 – The exhibition “Art of Azerbaijan”, Hungary.
2011 – November 11. Personal exhibition in Baku.
2011 – December 17, International Exhibition of Azerbaijan in Gabala.

Vedere più a proposito di Tabriz Abdullayev

Visualizzare tutte le opere
Olio su Tela | 35,4x21,7 in
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Olio su Tela | 43,3x59,8 in
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Olio su Tela | 28x52,4 in
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Olio su Tela | 22,8x26 in
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