La Montagna di Cezanne (2010) Pittura da Sandro Bisonni

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Venditore Sandro Bisonni

Certificato di autenticità incluso
  • Opera d'arte originale Pittura, Olio
  • Dimensioni Altezza 19,7in, Larghezza 19,7in
  • Categorie Quadri sotto i 5.000 USD
Questa opera è stata esposta in: 2011 - QUADRIENNALE D'ARTE CONTEMPORANEA, "Leonardo da Vinci" - Artisti nella Storia - curated by Lucia Bonacini, Museo del Risorgimento, Mentana, ROMA. 2011 - QUADRIENNALE D'ARTE CONTEMPORANEA, "Leonardo da Vinci" - Artisti nella Storia -
Questa opera è stata esposta in:

"Leonardo da Vinci" - Artisti nella Storia -
curated by Lucia Bonacini, Museo del Risorgimento, Mentana, ROMA.

"Leonardo da Vinci" - Artisti nella Storia -
curated by Lucia Bonacini, ONE MAN EXHIBITION UAE - DUBAI.

Temi correlati

Oil On CanvasPaesaggio Contemporaneo

SANDRO BISONNI lives and works at Appignano (Mc), a small town of the Marche, Italy. He attended the Art Institute of Macerata, where he graduated in Decorative Painting under the guidance of maestro Riccardo[...]

SANDRO BISONNI lives and works at Appignano (Mc), a small town of the Marche, Italy. He attended the Art Institute of Macerata, where he graduated in Decorative Painting under the guidance of maestro Riccardo Piccardoni from Urbino, then a degree in Contemporary Philosophy, Philosophical Aesthetics following courses required by the important contemporary philosopher Giorgio Agamben University of Macerata.
Since 2008 began exhibiting in major galleries in Manhattan NEW YORK, such as the AGORA GALLERY in Chelsea, and the BROADWAY GALLERY in SoHo where she is attending a major exhibition of Avant-garde with the English Sculptor Jane McAdam Freud and the famous Chilean Painter Freddy Flores Knistoff entitled "LURE", curated by Basak Malone. The same year one of his works "Angel of New York" is published in the American Magazine NYARTS INTERNATIONAL MAGAZINE.

"Formation of Bisonni philosophical underpinning these subtle concepts. Mainly influenced by the American painter William Congdon, Sandro Bisonni is a vibrant voice and moving. He offers us a surprising approach, which includes in his works is the real imagery. Bisonni does not allow us to hesitate inviting us to enter into the world he creates, unknown, but possible! "
[cit.AGORA GALLERY, New York, 2008]

In Europe he exhibited his work at the Institute of ITALIAN CULTURE of BERLIN at the Italian Embassy , in Italy has been the guest MENTANA GALLERY in FLORENCE, TELACCIA GALLERY in TURIN, Risorgimento MUSEUM in Mentana ROME and CARIMA FOUNDATION in MACERATA.

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Olio | 39,4x39,4 in
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Olio | 39,4x31,5 in
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Olio | 27,6x19,7 in
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