Storm of Letters (2018) Pittura da Riad Jabri

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Venditore Riad Jabri

Certificato di autenticità incluso
  • Opera d'arte originale Pittura, Acrilico / Inchiostro su Tela
  • Dimensioni Altezza 19,7in, Larghezza 27,6in
  • Categorie Quadri sotto i 5.000 USD
ب One of my most demanding pieces. Each letter is a freestyle stroke, it is born as soon as the ink touches the canvas, and it takes form in an instant, a swift motion. No mistakes can be made as each letter takes the shape of a vibration (sound) it is meant to represent. The indescribable beauty and dynamism of Arabic letters is encapsulated[...]
One of my most demanding pieces. Each letter is a freestyle stroke, it is born as soon as the ink touches the canvas, and it takes form in an instant, a swift motion. No mistakes can be made as each letter takes the shape of a vibration (sound) it is meant to represent.
The indescribable beauty and dynamism of Arabic letters is encapsulated in this explosive yet vibrant artwork.
I hope you enjoy gazing at all that is seen and all that lies unrevealed, beneath the bold black strokes of this absolutely unique piece.

Temi correlati

ArabicArabic CalligraphyCalligraphyLettersArabic Letters

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