Cloud Nestles on the edge of the Mountain (2018) Arte digitale da Ish Gordon

Carta per belle arti, 8x11 in
  • Quest'opera è una "Open Edition" Arte digitale, Schizzo / Stampa digitale
  • Dimensioni Diverse taglie disponibili
  • Numerosi supporti disponibili (Carta per belle arti, Stampa su metallo, Stampa su tela)
  • Incorniciatura Framing disponibile (Cornice galleggiante + sotto vetro, Frame + Sotto vetro acrilico)
  • Categorie Astratta
A proposito di quest'opera: Classificazione, tecniche & Stili Tecnico Arte digitale L'arte digitale si riferisce[...]

Temi correlati


Multi-disciplinary artist Ish Gordon (1951) - A painter, curator, designer, photographer and musician, gives us a small glimpse into the world of painting, rich with wonderful images, interesting figures,[...]

Multi-disciplinary artist
Ish Gordon (1951) - A painter, curator, designer, photographer and musician, gives us a small glimpse into the world of painting, rich with wonderful images, interesting figures, landscapes and plenty of women and eroticism.
The female characters in his creations are painted with grace, love and great sensitivity. An interesting combination of color stains and lines that were evidently created with rapid brush strokes. Some of the figures are delicate, slender, soft and tender, and some are fat, bold and abundant in sexuality.
His paintings are bold, sometimes shaking, sometimes pleasurable, but always sweep the viewer in an emotional storm deep into the creations and to reflections about his intentions.
Thanks to his unique style, one can discern the artist's moods and cultural contexts that remind the experienced and sensitive viewer of paintings by Egon Shilo, Gustav Klimt, Chagall and Picasso. After many years of traditional painting, the artist has been experimenting in recent years to develop unique painting techniques in digital art. It is very surprising how, in his digital brush, too, Ish manages to be free of the chains of media and manifest free expression to his imagination and strong instincts.

Solo exhibitions
* Between 1976 and 1989
Haifa Cinematheque
Acre Municipal Theater
Nagler House, Haifa
The Histadrut House Kiryat Motzkin
Ga'aton Gallery Nahariya
"Lonely Lantern" coffee shop in Haifa
* 2012 - "Touches" Exhibition at Kibbutz Yagur Gallery
* 2015 - “Coming closer" The Afula Art Gallery

* 1973 - Won the Young Artists Competition, ZOA House
* 2012 - Winning the Digital Painting Contest 2012 Wacom
* 2013 - Israel representative at the exhibition Artistes du monde Cannes France

Formal education
* 2016-17 - curator - Kibbutzim College of Education

Recent group exhibitions
2017 - "The Little Difference" Haifa Artists House
2016 - Habima Tel Aviv (the launch of the book "Contemporary Art" Steimatzky)
2015 - "Nosta Nova" Haifa
2014 - Dirty Show - Detroit USA
2014 - The Orgim Gallery Holon
2013 - Galerie 30 Cannes - Sensualité et érotisme

Vedere più a proposito di Ish Gordon

Visualizzare tutte le opere
Acrilico su Tela | 19,7x27,6 in
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Arte digitale
Non in vendita
Acrilico su Tela | 15,8x11,8 in
Non in vendita
Arte digitale
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