Opera d’arte originale di nudi femminili in vendita

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9.319 Opere d'arte originali, edizioni limitate e stampe:

Discover original contemporary Female Nudes artworks on Artmajeur

Original contemporary Female Nudes artworks are a vibrant and expressive genre of art. These pieces are created by contemporary artists and feature depictions of the female form. The main types of supports and materials used are canvas, paper, and wood, with materials such as acrylic paint, charcoal, and pastels commonly used to create the unique images. What sets this type of artwork apart is the raw and intimate portrayal of the female form, capturing the beauty and complexity of the female body. These pieces provoke a range of emotions in the viewer, from sensuality and vulnerability to strength and empowerment. Through their use of color, texture, and form, these artworks offer a powerful and moving representation of the female experience.

Pittura,  28,7x23,6 in
« LA LECON DE GUITARE -2- » Pittura, 28,7x23,6 in
©2024 Pierre Arbassette

Origins and History

The female gaze, feminism, and intersectionality are three important terms in the history of original contemporary Female Nudes artworks. These terms represent important concepts that have been explored by female artists in their works. The female gaze refers to the representation of women through the eyes of women, challenging the traditional male gaze that objectifies and sexualizes women. Feminism, on the other hand, is a movement that seeks to achieve gender equality and challenge patriarchal systems. Female artists who explore the female form in their works often do so through a feminist lens, challenging traditional notions of beauty and sexuality. Finally, intersectionality is a concept that acknowledges the interconnected nature of different forms of oppression, such as racism, sexism, and homophobia. Female artists who explore intersectionality in their works often do so by depicting women of different races and ethnicities, celebrating diversity and challenging dominant narratives.

Pittura,  8,3x7,1 in
BLACK WOMAN Pittura, 8,3x7,1 in
©2024 Luis Garcia Orihuela

Evolutions of theses works in the contemporary art market

Original contemporary Female Nudes artworks have undergone a remarkable evolution in recent years. These artworks have become increasingly diverse and have pushed boundaries in terms of representation. Artists have been exploring new techniques and styles to create works that reflect the complexity and diversity of the female body. The importance of these artworks in the contemporary art market is undeniable. They challenge traditional notions of beauty and femininity and offer a fresh perspective on the female form.

Pittura,  31,5x23,6 in
Madone (II) Pittura, 31,5x23,6 in
©2024 Alexandre David Lejuez

Related Famous Artists

Contemporary artists who specialize in original, modern female nude artworks are a diverse group who use a range of media and techniques to express their unique visions of the female form. Some notable examples include:

  1. Jenny Saville: Known for her large-scale oil paintings that depict the female body in all its raw, fleshy glory, Saville’s work challenges traditional notions of beauty and femininity. Her paintings often feature distorted, exaggerated figures that blur the line between the figurative and the abstract.

  2. Lisa Yuskavage: Yuskavage’s paintings are characterized by their lush, highly saturated colors and provocative subject matter. Her depictions of voluptuous, eroticized women have been described as both empowering and objectifying, prompting debate and discussion about the female gaze in contemporary art.

  3. Wangechi Mutu: Mutu’s collages and mixed media works combine elements of traditional African art with contemporary feminist themes. Her female figures are often hybrid creatures, part-human and part-animal, that challenge Western notions of beauty and subvert traditional gender roles.

  4. Cecily Brown: Brown’s paintings are known for their frenetic, gestural brushstrokes and sensual, erotic subject matter. Her depictions of female nudes are often abstracted and fragmented, suggesting a sense of both vulnerability and strength.

  5. Mickalene Thomas: Thomas’s multimedia works are inspired by the aesthetics of 1970s black culture, incorporating elements of photography, painting, and collage. Her portraits of black women are imbued with a sense of empowerment and self-assurance, challenging the historical objectification of black bodies in art.

These artists, among others, continue to push the boundaries of contemporary art with their bold, innovative representations of the female form. Through their work, they challenge traditional notions of beauty, sexuality, and gender, inviting viewers to re-examine their own assumptions and biases.

Scultura,  36,2x8,7 in
Standing figure. Scultura, 36,2x8,7 in
©2021 Clark Camilleri

Notable original contemporary Female Nudes artworks

One of the most famous contemporary Female Nudes artworks is "Nude Descending a Staircase, No. 2" by Marcel Duchamp, created in 1912. This masterpiece depicts a series of overlapping images of a nude woman descending a staircase, all in shades of brown and beige. The fragmented and abstracted form of the figure was highly innovative for its time, and it continues to inspire and influence contemporary artists to this day.

Another renowned work of Female Nudes is "Les Demoiselles d’Avignon" by Pablo Picasso, created in 1907. This painting depicts five nude women in a brothel, each with a unique and distorted form. The figures are rendered in a Cubist style, with angular lines and geometric shapes creating a sense of depth and motion. This groundbreaking work challenged traditional notions of beauty and representation, and it remains one of Picasso’s most iconic and influential pieces.

In 1989, Cindy Sherman created "Untitled #93", a photograph featuring a naked female figure lying on a bed. The figure is depicted from above, and her body is contorted and distorted in a surreal and unsettling way. The image challenges traditional ideas of female beauty and sexuality, and it is a powerful commentary on the objectification of women in society.

Tracey Emin’s "Everyone I Have Ever Slept With 1963-1995" is another notable Female Nudes artwork. Created in 1995, the piece consists of a tent embroidered with the names of everyone the artist had ever slept with, including family members and ex-lovers. The work is a deeply personal exploration of intimacy and relationships, and it has been celebrated for its raw honesty and vulnerability.

Finally, one cannot discuss contemporary Female Nudes without mentioning the work of Jenny Saville. Her painting "Plan" (1993-94) depicts a monumental nude female figure in a reclining pose. The figure’s body is rendered in thick, impasto brushstrokes, creating a sense of mass and weight. The work challenges traditional ideas of beauty and femininity, and it celebrates the power and strength of the female form.

Più rilevanti | I più recenti

Pittura intitolato "« LA LECON DE GUITA…" da Pierre Arbassette, Opera d'arte originale, Olio
« LA LECON DE GUITARE -2- » - Pittura, 28,7x23,6 in ©2024 da Pierre Arbassette - Figurative, figurative-594, Nudi femminili, peinture, portrait, arbas, beauté, oeuvre, guitare

Pierre Arbassette


Olio su Tela di lino | 28,7x23,6 in

1.631,94 USD
Scultura intitolato "Standing figure." da Clark Camilleri, Opera d'arte originale, Calcestruzzo
Standing figure. - Scultura, 36,2x8,7 in ©2021 da Clark Camilleri - Abstract, abstract-570, Nudi femminili, clark camilleri, standing figure, sculpture, escultura, modern, malta, female, figurative, concrete, resin

Clark Camilleri

"Standing figure."

Scultura - Calcestruzzo | 36,2x8,7 in

5.268,42 USD
Disegno intitolato ""Pose Nr. 31 (19:09…" da Walter Roos, Opera d'arte originale, Matita
"Pose Nr. 31 (19:09)" - Disegno, 11,9x8,6 in ©2024 da Walter Roos - Figurative, figurative-594, Nudi femminili, Akt, Teilakt, Frau, Nonfinito, Figurative, Farbe, Reduktion

Walter Roos

""Pose Nr. 31 (19:09)""

Matita su Cartone | 11,9x8,6 in

562,86 USD
Stampe disponibili
Pittura intitolato "Morning Rituals" da Zakhar Shevchuk, Opera d'arte originale, Olio Montato su Telaio per barella in legno
Morning Rituals - Pittura, 25,6x23,6 in ©2024 da Zakhar Shevchuk - Expressionism, expressionism-591, Nudi femminili, Intimate moments, Semi-abstract art, Tranquil painting, Everyday routines, Undressing woman, Serene artwork, Fluid brushstrokes, Morning rituals, Private scene, Contemporary art, Ethereal colors, Artistic evolution, Minimalistic detail, Introspection, Light and shadow, Quiet elegance, Figurative elements, Abstract background, Visual narrative, Tranquility in art

Zakhar Shevchuk

"Morning Rituals"

Olio su Tela | 25,6x23,6 in

2.407,71 USD
Stampe disponibili
Pittura intitolato "Inaudible Voice" da Olamilekan Okunade, Opera d'arte originale, Olio
Inaudible Voice - Pittura, 30x60 in ©2019 da Olamilekan Okunade - Cubism, cubism-582, Nudi femminili, nude, rape, abuse, handcuff, stigma, lady in bed, voice, inaudible, contructionism

Olamilekan Okunade

"Inaudible Voice"

Olio su Tela | 30x60 in

4.378,27 USD
Pittura intitolato "a sparkling armor o…" da Daniel Moline, Opera d'arte originale, Olio Montato su Altro pannello rigido
a sparkling armor of flesh - Pittura, 38,6x33,9 in ©1982 da Daniel Moline - Hyperrealism, hyperrealism-612, Nudi femminili, couleur, grain, valeurs

Daniel Moline

"a sparkling armor of flesh"

Olio su Tela | 38,6x33,9 in

3.714,83 USD
Fotografia intitolato "Back, I" da Kourosh Sotoodeh, Opera d'arte originale, Fotografia digitale
Back, I - Fotografia, 36x24 in ©2021 da Kourosh Sotoodeh - Figurative, figurative-594, Nudi femminili, black & white, nude, sexy, vertical format, grey

Kourosh Sotoodeh

"Back, I"

Fotografia | 36x24 in

700 USD
Fotografia intitolato "La Baie de Naples" da Marine Foissey, Opera d'arte originale, Fotografia non manipolata
La Baie de Naples - Fotografia, 23,6x35,4 in ©2018 da Marine Foissey - Surrealism, surrealism-627, Nudi femminili, mouth, lips

Marine Foissey

"La Baie de Naples"

Fotografia | 23,6x35,4 in

1.848,25 USD
Pittura intitolato "Callianassa" da Lena Snow, Opera d'arte originale, Acrilico
Callianassa - Pittura, 20,9x16,5 in ©2024 da Lena Snow - Figurative, figurative-594, Nudi femminili, akt, expressionismus, figurativ, rot, weiblich, sinnlich, mystisch, natur, fine art, farbenfroh

Lena Snow


Acrilico su Carta | 20,9x16,5 in

2.870,9 USD
Stampe disponibili
Pittura intitolato "Éveil doré" da Alexandre Barberà-Ivanoff, Opera d'arte originale, Acrilico
Éveil doré - Pittura, 25,6x19,7 in ©2020 da Alexandre Barberà-Ivanoff - Figurative, figurative-594, Nudi femminili, nu, nue, femme, jaune, or, doré

Alexandre Barberà-Ivanoff

"Éveil doré"

Acrilico su Carta | 25,6x19,7 in

609,29 USD
Fotografia intitolato "Languishing 04" da Antonio Schiavano, Opera d'arte originale, Fotografia digitale Montato su Alluminio
Languishing 04 - Fotografia, 22,1x14,2 in ©2020 da Antonio Schiavano - Conceptual Art, conceptual-art-579, Nudi femminili, covid19, languishing, donna, donne, arte concettuale, fine-art, doppia esposizione, corpi femminili, corpi, corpo, anima

Antonio Schiavano

"Languishing 04"

Fotografia | 22,1x14,2 in

1.349,95 USD
Fotografia intitolato "Dusty Cars, Bare So…" da Martin Wieland, Opera d'arte originale, Fotografia digitale
Dusty Cars, Bare Souls - 50x70cm - Fotografia, 27,6x19,7 in ©2019 da Martin Wieland - Figurative, figurative-594, Nudi femminili, woman, nude, volkswagen, lifestyle, nudity, erotic, sensual

Martin Wieland

"Dusty Cars, Bare Souls - 50x70cm"

Fotografia | 27,6x19,7 in

1.258,03 USD
Pittura intitolato "BLACK WOMAN" da Luis Garcia Orihuela, Opera d'arte originale, Acrilico
BLACK WOMAN - Pittura, 8,3x7,1 in ©2024 da Luis Garcia Orihuela - Figurative, figurative-594, Nudi femminili, Sola, figura mujer, fugurativo, descanso

Luis Garcia Orihuela


Acrilico su Carta | 8,3x7,1 in

1.593,44 USD
Pittura intitolato "The mood of a magic…" da Marina Fedorova, Opera d'arte originale, Olio
The mood of a magical day, nude woman, figurative painting - Pittura, 35,4x23,6 in ©2019 da Marina Fedorova - Figurative, figurative-594, Nudi femminili, female nudes, woman figure, figurative painting, portrait, woman portrait, love mood, blue canvas, woman in the morning

Marina Fedorova

"The mood of a magical day, nude woman, figurative painting"

Olio su Tela | 35,4x23,6 in

900 USD
Stampe disponibili
Pittura intitolato "On the bar counter" da Aleksandra Cherepanova, Opera d'arte originale, Acrilico
On the bar counter - Pittura, 17,7x27,6 in ©2024 da Aleksandra Cherepanova - Expressionism, expressionism-591, Nudi femminili, art beautiful women, Acrylic art, Nude art, Female nudes, colorful, buy art, expressionism, Female figure, Erotic painting, Sensuality, Beauty, Femininity, Artistic nudity

Aleksandra Cherepanova

"On the bar counter"

Acrilico su Tela | 17,7x27,6 in

1.280 USD
Pittura intitolato "#5" da Karina Kopteva, Opera d'arte originale, Olio
#5 - Pittura, 15,8x15,8 in ©2021 da Karina Kopteva - Figurative, figurative-594, Nudi femminili, bondage, bdsm, dark, black, woman, passion

Karina Kopteva


Olio su Tela | 15,8x15,8 in

1.753,12 USD
Pittura intitolato "Hypatia Comparaison" da Efka, Opera d'arte originale, Olio Montato su Telaio per barella in legno
Hypatia Comparaison - Pittura, 31,9x25,6 in ©2024 da Efka - Figurative, figurative-594, Nudi femminili, hypatie, science, nue, livres, histoire, Hypatia, philosophe, philosophie


"Hypatia Comparaison"

Olio su Tela di lino | 31,9x25,6 in

2.695,36 USD
Stampe disponibili
Disegno intitolato "geisha deshabillée" da Péchane, Opera d'arte originale, Acquarello
geisha deshabillée - Disegno, 15,8x11,8 in ©2024 da Péchane - Figurative, figurative-594, Nudi femminili, nu, geisha, sumie, japon


"geisha deshabillée"

Acquarello su Carta | 15,8x11,8 in

394,11 USD
Stampe disponibili
Pittura intitolato "Entropie, Mandarine…" da Stefani Ruprecht, Opera d'arte originale, Acrilico Montato su Telaio per barell…
Entropie, Mandarine und Pantoffeltierchen im fraktalen Tanz - Pittura, 39,4x31,5 in ©2024 da Stefani Ruprecht - Figurative, figurative-594, Nudi femminili, Frauenakt, mikro makro, mandarine, fraktale, wandobjekt, dreidimensionales bild, realistische malerei, dunkelviolett und orange, moderne malerei, zeitgenössische malerei, collage

Stefani Ruprecht

"Entropie, Mandarine und Pantoffeltierchen im fraktalen Tanz"

Acrilico su Tela | 39,4x31,5 in

4.137,04 USD
Stampe disponibili
Fotografia intitolato "Kinbaku song N°03" da Philippe Alliet, Opera d'arte originale, Fotografia digitale Montato su Altro p…
Kinbaku song N°03 - Fotografia, 15,8x11,8 in ©2009 da Philippe Alliet - Figurative, figurative-594, Nudi femminili

Philippe Alliet

"Kinbaku song N°03"

Fotografia | 15,8x11,8 in

611,55 USD
Disegno intitolato ""Ballerina Nr. 19 (…" da Walter Roos, Opera d'arte originale, Matita
"Ballerina Nr. 19 (0:33)" - Disegno, 11,9x8,6 in ©2024 da Walter Roos - Figurative, figurative-594, Nudi femminili, Ballerina, Akt, Teilakt, Serie, Nonfinito, Figurative

Walter Roos

""Ballerina Nr. 19 (0:33)""

Matita su Cartone | 11,9x8,6 in

562,86 USD
Stampe disponibili
Disegno intitolato "Egon Schiele in Lov…" da Linet Andrea, Opera d'arte originale, Inchiostro
Egon Schiele in Love 16 - Disegno, 11,8x9,5 in ©2024 da Linet Andrea - Figurative, figurative-594, Nudi femminili, EgonSchiele, drawing, ink, graphite

Linet Andrea

"Egon Schiele in Love 16"

Inchiostro su Carta | 11,8x9,5 in

262,74 USD
Pittura intitolato "Valentina" da Erwin Esquivel C, Opera d'arte originale, Acrilico Montato su Telaio per barella in legno
Valentina - Pittura, 19,7x19,7 in ©2023 da Erwin Esquivel C - Figurative, figurative-594, Nudi femminili

Erwin Esquivel C


Acrilico su Tela | 19,7x19,7 in

11.014,75 USD
Pittura intitolato "Nude on the chair" da Pavlo Ponomarenko, Opera d'arte originale, Acrilico
Nude on the chair - Pittura, 11,4x8,3 in ©2024 da Pavlo Ponomarenko - Cubism, cubism-582, Nudi femminili, nude, woman, girl, undressed, model

Pavlo Ponomarenko

"Nude on the chair"

Pittura su Carta | 11,4x8,3 in

151,76 USD
Pittura intitolato "Madone (II)" da Alexandre David Lejuez, Opera d'arte originale, Acrilico Montato su Telaio per barella i…
Madone (II) - Pittura, 31,5x23,6 in ©2024 da Alexandre David Lejuez - Figurative, figurative-594, Nudi femminili, femme, portrait, nu, corps, madone, woman, acrylique, peinture, toile, figuratif, feminin

Alexandre David Lejuez

"Madone (II)"

Acrilico su Tela | 31,5x23,6 in

1.029,45 USD
Scultura intitolato "Méditation" da Andrii Kyrychenko, Opera d'arte originale, Ceramica
Méditation - Scultura, 9,8x9,8 in ©2023 da Andrii Kyrychenko - Abstract, abstract-570, Nudi femminili, nu, corps, poterie, ukraine, puzatka, gironde, gravité, zen, méditation, yoga, relaxant, nature, france, céramique, contemporaine

Andrii Kyrychenko


Scultura - Ceramica | 9,8x9,8 in

885,62 USD
Pittura intitolato "Hunger/ Desire" da Kateryna Bortsova, Opera d'arte originale, Olio
Hunger/ Desire - Pittura, 55,1x35,4 in ©2020 da Kateryna Bortsova - Figurative, figurative-594, Nudi femminili, nude, woman, female, femenism, hunger, consumption, sex, desire

Kateryna Bortsova

"Hunger/ Desire"

Olio su Tela | 55,1x35,4 in

15.968,33 USD
Fotografia intitolato "Morning #4" da Boris Muskevich, Opera d'arte originale, Fotografia non manipolata
Morning #4 - Fotografia, 15,8x23,6 in ©2024 da Boris Muskevich - Minimalism, minimalism-606, Nudi femminili, naked, sensual, girl, nude, erotic, beauty

Boris Muskevich

"Morning #4"

Fotografia | 15,8x23,6 in

441,68 USD
Scultura intitolato "The evening" da Nikolai Shatalov, Opera d'arte originale, Bronzo
The evening - Scultura, 19,7x9,8 in ©2024 da Nikolai Shatalov - Figurative, figurative-594, Nudi femminili, girl, nude, undress, sculpture, bronze, evening, interior, beauty, девушка, раздевается, снимает, скульптура, бронза, купить, buy, вечер, интерьер, красота, грация, grace

Nikolai Shatalov

"The evening"

Scultura - Bronzo | 19,7x9,8 in

Su richiesta
Pittura intitolato "Flore appuyée sur s…" da Pierre Charpentier, Opera d'arte originale, Inchiostro
Flore appuyée sur son coude - Pittura, 16,1x12,2 in ©2023 da Pierre Charpentier - Figurative, figurative-594, Nudi femminili, pastel gras, encre, ombres, coude

Pierre Charpentier

"Flore appuyée sur son coude"

Inchiostro su Carta | 16,1x12,2 in

308,04 USD
Pittura intitolato "Amalfi morning allu…" da Kristin Mallé, Opera d'arte originale, Acquarello
Amalfi morning allure - Pittura, 12,2x9,1 in ©2024 da Kristin Mallé - Pop Art, pop-art-615, Nudi femminili, woman, legs, high heels shoes, lemons, sea, erotic art, summer, black and white

Kristin Mallé

"Amalfi morning allure"

Acquarello su Carta | 12,2x9,1 in

620,61 USD
Stampe disponibili
Fotografia intitolato "No Title Art (№041)" da Val Filip, Opera d'arte originale, Fotografia digitale
No Title Art (№041) - Fotografia, 22,8x15,4 in ©2022 da Val Filip - Figurative, figurative-594, Nudi femminili, nude, erotic, female, naked

Val Filip

"No Title Art (№041)"

Fotografia | 22,8x15,4 in

528,88 USD
Pittura intitolato "Underwater" da Yulia Varlamova, Opera d'arte originale, Olio
Underwater - Pittura, 35,4x27,6 in ©2024 da Yulia Varlamova - Surrealism, surrealism-627, Nudi femminili, mermaid, water, ocean, dream, beauty, nude, blue

Yulia Varlamova


Olio su Tela di lino | 35,4x27,6 in

915,06 USD
Fotografia intitolato "No Title Art (№007)" da Val Filip, Opera d'arte originale, Fotografia digitale
No Title Art (№007) - Fotografia, 18x8,7 in ©2022 da Val Filip - Figurative, figurative-594, Nudi femminili, Shibari, Kinbaku, Kimbaku, Erotic, Nude, Bondage, Rope, Japanese, Body, Submission, Bdsm

Val Filip

"No Title Art (№007)"

Fotografia | 18x8,7 in

291,05 USD
Pittura intitolato "'Comfort'" da William Oxer F.R.S.A., Opera d'arte originale, Olio
'Comfort' - Pittura, 18x12 in ©2024 da William Oxer F.R.S.A. - Classicism, classicism-933, Nudi femminili, nude, woman, elegant, pretty, hair, bed, sleep

William Oxer F.R.S.A.


Olio su Tela | 18x12 in

2.467,04 USD
Stampe disponibili
Disegno intitolato ""Junge Frau (22:21)"" da Walter Roos, Opera d'arte originale, Matita
"Junge Frau (22:21)" - Disegno, 11,9x8,6 in ©2021 da Walter Roos - Figurative, figurative-594, Nudi femminili, Akt, Teilakt, Jung, Frau, Nonfinito, Portrait, Figurative

Walter Roos

""Junge Frau (22:21)""

Matita su Cartone | 11,9x8,6 in

562,86 USD
Stampe disponibili


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