Disegni di vanità in vendita

90 Disegni e illustrazioni originali in vendita: Stai cercando[...]

90 Disegni e illustrazioni originali in vendita:

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Esplora tutti gli stili e le tecniche di disegno: arte contemporanea, street-art, arte astratta, arte figurativa, paesaggi, ritratti, scene di vita, nudi, matita, inchiostro, carboncino, pastello... Artmajeur si rivolge a tutte le sensibilità artistiche e celebra la bellezza affianca da 20 anni con più di 2 milioni di opere d'arte contemporanea da scoprire... o acquisire! Il punto di riferimento mondiale per il design artistico. Scopri le opere di artisti contemporanei di tutto il mondo per arredare i tuoi interni con classe! Semplice amante dell'arte o collezionista confermato? Trova il disegno o lo schizzo preferito che metterà davvero in risalto la tua decorazione. Artmajeur ti offre opere originali, edizioni limitate e stampe d'arte dei migliori artisti contemporanei del mondo. Su Artmajeur, i disegni sono selezionati da appassionati ed esperti del mercato dell'arte. Selezioniamo per te le opere originali di designer di tendenza, premiati e riconosciuti, nonché i nuovi valori emergenti nel campo dell'arte contemporanea per guidarti e aiutarti nel tuo processo di acquisto di disegni artistici online.

Discover contemporary Vanity Drawings on Artmajeur

Contemporary Vanity Drawings are a type of original artwork that explores themes of beauty, identity, and self-reflection. These drawings are typically created on a variety of supports, including paper, canvas, or wood panel, and are often made using a range of materials such as graphite, ink, or pastel. What makes these works unique is their focus on the representation of the self, often through the use of mirrors, cosmetics, or other personal items. These drawings invite the viewer to contemplate their own sense of self and the role that beauty and appearance play in shaping our identities. Through the use of detailed and intricate mark-making, the artist creates a highly personal and intimate work that speaks to the human experience.

Disegno,  15,8x15,8 in
Manchot Empereur Disegno, 15,8x15,8 in
©2022 Carole Guénault

Origins and History

Contemporary Vanity Drawings emerged during the late 20th century, with its roots tracing back to the Renaissance period. Vanity, a term that refers to excessive pride in oneself, has been a recurring theme in art history, with artists exploring the idea through various mediums.

Disegno,  13x9,5 in
Quattro stagioni parodia Disegno, 13x9,5 in
©2024 Roby Bí

Evolutions of theses works in the contemporary art market

In recent years, Vanity Drawings have undergone a significant evolution in the contemporary art market. These drawings, which depict the artist’s face or body in various states, have become increasingly popular among artists and collectors alike. With the rise of social media, artists have found new ways to share their Vanity Drawings with a wider audience, leading to increased exposure and demand for the genre. The importance of these drawings lies in their ability to provide a raw and personal insight into the artist’s psyche, as they often reflect the artist’s thoughts and emotions. Furthermore, the skill required to create a successful Vanity Drawing is a testament to the artist’s technical abilities and creativity. As such, Vanity Drawings have become highly sought after in the contemporary art market, with collectors willing to pay large sums for these unique and personal works of art.

Disegno,  9,1x6,3 in
Le crochet Disegno, 9,1x6,3 in
©2009 Dima An

Related Famous Artists

Contemporary artists who are well-known for their work on the theme of vanity drawings include Jenny Saville, Cindy Sherman, and Kehinde Wiley.

Jenny Saville’s paintings explore the human body and its imperfections, often depicting women in a raw and unfiltered way. Her work challenges societal ideals of beauty and perfection and seeks to redefine them.

Cindy Sherman is known for her self-portraits that explore the construction of identity and the performance of gender roles. Her photographs often feature the artist in various guises, challenging the viewer’s perception of what is real and what is constructed.

Kehinde Wiley’s work reimagines classical portraiture by depicting contemporary subjects in the same grandeur and pose as historical figures. His paintings often feature black men and women, celebrating their beauty and presence in a world that has historically marginalized them.

These artists, among others, have contributed to the dialogue surrounding the concept of vanity in contemporary art. Through their work, they challenge societal norms and expectations, inviting the viewer to question their own beliefs and perceptions.

Disegno,  16,5x11,8 in
04.01 Disegno, 16,5x11,8 in
©2023 Agathe Labardant

Notable contemporary Vanity Drawings

Contemporary Vanity Drawings are often characterized by their satirical and critical nature, often exploring themes of consumerism, societal expectations, and the human ego. Here are some well-known examples:

  1. "Self-Portrait as a Consumer" by Barbara Kruger, 1986 - This artwork features a black and white photograph of the artist with a bold, red text overlaid that reads "I shop, therefore I am." It comments on the commodification of identity and the idea that consumption has become a defining aspect of modern life.

  2. "Untitled (Your Body Is a Battleground)" by Barbara Kruger, 1989 - This piece features a photograph of a woman’s face overlaid with bold, white text that reads "Your body is a battleground." It comments on the politics of abortion and reproductive rights, and the ways in which women’s bodies have become contested terrain in the public sphere.

  3. "The Physical Impossibility of Death in the Mind of Someone Living" by Damien Hirst, 1991 - This artwork is a sculpture of a tiger shark preserved in formaldehyde in a glass tank. It explores themes of mortality and the human fear of death, while also commenting on the spectacle and commodification of art.

  4. "Untitled (Portrait of Ross in L.A.)" by Felix Gonzalez-Torres, 1991 - This artwork is a stack of candy wrapped in silver cellophane that viewers are invited to take from. It is a commentary on the AIDS epidemic and the loss of loved ones, as the weight of the candy represents the weight of Gonzalez-Torres’ partner before he died of AIDS.

  5. "The Physical Impossibility of Death in the Mind of Someone Living II" by Damien Hirst, 2006 - This artwork is a recreation of Hirst’s 1991 piece, but with a new shark specimen. It comments on the issue of authenticity in art and the idea that even death can be reproduced and commodified.

Overall, contemporary Vanity Drawings often challenge viewers to confront uncomfortable truths about society and the human condition, using satire, irony, and shock value to make their point.

Più rilevanti | I più recenti

Disegno intitolato "Manchot Empereur" da Carole Guénault, Opera d'arte originale, Pittura di vetro colorato
Manchot Empereur - Disegno, 15,8x15,8 in ©2022 da Carole Guénault - Symbolism, symbolism-1020, vanità,

Carole Guénault

"Manchot Empereur"

Pittura di vetro colorato su Plexiglass | 15,8x15,8 in

610,59 USD
Disegno intitolato "04.01" da Agathe Labardant, Opera d'arte originale, Matita
04.01 - Disegno, 16,5x11,8 in ©2023 da Agathe Labardant - Hyperrealism, hyperrealism-612, vanità, fleurs, bouquet, vase, noir et blanc, dessin, crayon, réalisme, nature morte, lignes

Agathe Labardant


Matita su Carta | 16,5x11,8 in

386,29 USD
Disegno intitolato "La tetera" da Rafael Ricardo Bazan, Opera d'arte originale, Carbone Montato su Cartone
La tetera - Disegno, 13x8,3 in ©2024 da Rafael Ricardo Bazan - Conceptual Art, conceptual-art-579, vanità, charcoal, carboncillo, naturalezamuerta, conceptual, drawingcharcoal, lapiz, grafito

Rafael Ricardo Bazan

"La tetera"

Carbone su Carta | 13x8,3 in

1.128,28 USD
Disegno intitolato "Kopf woanders" da Skylor Timeless, Opera d'arte originale, Matita
Kopf woanders - Disegno, 3,2x2,8 in ©2024 da Skylor Timeless - Surrealism, surrealism-627, vanità, head, Skizze, Bleistift, pencel, Papier, Symbol, sureal, clean, Gedanken, Darstellung, geistig, Ordnung

Skylor Timeless

"Kopf woanders"

Matita su Carta | 3,2x2,8 in

406,68 USD
Disegno intitolato "Berry Gym" da Norman Ocko Bates, Opera d'arte originale, Matite colorate
Berry Gym - Disegno, 8,3x11,7 in ©2023 da Norman Ocko Bates - Expressionism, expressionism-591, vanità, Gym

Norman Ocko Bates

"Berry Gym"

Matite colorate su Carta | 8,3x11,7 in

Disegno intitolato "The Workplace" da Skylor Timeless, Opera d'arte originale, Matita
The Workplace - Disegno, 11,8x15,8 in ©2023 da Skylor Timeless - Minimalism, minimalism-606, vanità, Skizze, Bleistift, paper, a3, Minimal, Klarheit, Ausdruck, Zeichnung, rustikal, Expression, form

Skylor Timeless

"The Workplace"

Matita su Carta | 11,8x15,8 in

5.175,82 USD
Disegno intitolato "In The Heart Of Bla…" da Nagehan Çalıskan, Opera d'arte originale, Gouache Montato su Plexiglass
In The Heart Of Black - Disegno, 9,5x11,8 in ©2022 da Nagehan Çalıskan - Figurative, figurative-594, vanità, grape, pear, plum, flower, earthen vase, orange, glass

Nagehan Çalıskan

"In The Heart Of Black"

Gouache su Carta | 9,5x11,8 in

350,9 USD
Disegno intitolato "12102022" da Patrick Jannin, Opera d'arte originale, Inchiostro
12102022 - Disegno, 8,3x11,7 in ©2022 da Patrick Jannin - Outsider Art, outsider-art-1044, vanità, autoportarit, intérieur, claustration, folie

Patrick Jannin


Inchiostro su Carta | 8,3x11,7 in

446,33 USD
Disegno intitolato "Natürmort 2" da Esra Nişancı, Opera d'arte originale, Acrilico
Natürmort 2 - Disegno, 19,7x27,6 in ©2018 da Esra Nişancı - Classicism, classicism-933, vanità, Sanat, Sanatra, Resim, Natürmort

Esra Nişancı

"Natürmort 2"

Acrilico su Cartone | 19,7x27,6 in

2.078,59 USD
Disegno intitolato "Vanité sur un Autel…" da Amazeigh Bouzékri, Opera d'arte originale, Pastello
Vanité sur un Autel avec un Sablier - Disegno, 12,6x10,6 in ©2023 da Amazeigh Bouzékri - Classicism, classicism-933, vanità,

Amazeigh Bouzékri

"Vanité sur un Autel avec un Sablier"

Pastello su Carta | 12,6x10,6 in

Non in vendita Stampe a partire da 35,54 USD
Disegno intitolato "Vincit Omnia Veritas" da Tarek Ben Yakhlef, Opera d'arte originale, Inchiostro
Vincit Omnia Veritas - Disegno, 8,3x5,9 in ©2023 da Tarek Ben Yakhlef - Figurative, figurative-594, vanità, skull, skull art

Tarek Ben Yakhlef

"Vincit Omnia Veritas"

Inchiostro su Carta | 8,3x5,9 in

160,86 USD
Stampe disponibili
Disegno intitolato "Dragonfruit" da Eugenie Eremeichuk, Opera d'arte originale, Matite colorate
Dragonfruit - Disegno, 6,7x9,1 in ©2021 da Eugenie Eremeichuk - Figurative, figurative-594, vanità, dragonfruit, exotic fruits, pink, ocher, fruits

Eugenie Eremeichuk


Matite colorate su Carta | 6,7x9,1 in

179 USD
Stampe disponibili
Disegno intitolato "Quattro stagioni pa…" da Roby Bí, Opera d'arte originale, Grafite
Quattro stagioni parodia - Disegno, 13x9,5 in ©2024 da Roby Bí - Classicism, classicism-933, vanità, quattro, 4, stagioni, satira, parodia, Bartolomeo, Manfredi, ritratto, opera d'arte, interpretazione, four seasons, 4 season

Roby Bí

"Quattro stagioni parodia"

Grafite su Carta | 13x9,5 in

524,49 USD
Disegno intitolato "Plate I,16" da Michael K Davis, Opera d'arte originale, Carbone
Plate I,16 - Disegno, 7,9x7,1 in ©2024 da Michael K Davis - Figurative, figurative-594, vanità, cahrle bargue, master study, hand, female, statue

Michael K Davis

"Plate I,16"

Carbone su Carta | 7,9x7,1 in

Non in vendita
Disegno intitolato "Vanité" da Brice Nermond, Opera d'arte originale, Carbone
Vanité - Disegno, 11,7x8,3 in ©2024 da Brice Nermond - Figurative, figurative-594, vanità, dark, vanité, skull, fusain, réalisme, darkart, réalisme brutal, brutalrealism

Brice Nermond


Carbone su Carta | 11,7x8,3 in

180,31 USD
Disegno intitolato "Twisted uncertainty" da Skylor Timeless, Opera d'arte originale, Pennarello
Twisted uncertainty - Disegno, 7,9x11,8 in ©2023 da Skylor Timeless - Symbolism, symbolism-1020, vanità, painting, Surreal, Symbol, form, fragen, ei, Darstellung, verbindlichung, Philosophie

Skylor Timeless

"Twisted uncertainty"

Pennarello su Carta | 7,9x11,8 in

5.371,79 USD
Disegno intitolato "I Cаnt Look At My R…" da Anton Terziev, Opera d'arte originale, Inchiostro
I Cаnt Look At My Reflection, It Reflects The Future - Disegno, 19,7x13,8 in ©2021 da Anton Terziev - Figurative, figurative-594, vanità, morbid, memento mori, portrait, skull, selfie, selfportrait, ink, drawing, contemporary art, anton terziev, death, life, love, face

Anton Terziev

"I Cаnt Look At My Reflection, It Reflects The Future"

Inchiostro su Carta | 19,7x13,8 in

859,35 USD
801,36 USD
Stampe disponibili
Disegno intitolato ""Die Rose Ist Ohne…" da Rafferoico, Opera d'arte originale, Carbone
"Die Rose Ist Ohne Warum III" Op.549 MMXXII - Disegno, 39,4x27,6 in ©2022 da Rafferoico - Expressionism, expressionism-591, vanità, skulls, roses, homeflies, death, mortality, passion, expressionism, DieRoseIstOhneWarum, frontal, figurative


""Die Rose Ist Ohne Warum III" Op.549 MMXXII"

Carbone su Carta | 39,4x27,6 in

1.818,16 USD
Disegno intitolato "Marteau Rasoir" da Patrick Jannin, Opera d'arte originale, Inchiostro
Marteau Rasoir - Disegno, 8,3x11,7 in ©2022 da Patrick Jannin - Outsider Art, outsider-art-1044, vanità, selfportrait, rasoir, langue

Patrick Jannin

"Marteau Rasoir"

Inchiostro su Carta | 8,3x11,7 in

446,33 USD
Disegno intitolato "L'homme est un loup" da Tarek Ben Yakhlef, Opera d'arte originale, Inchiostro
L'homme est un loup - Disegno, 11,8x8,3 in ©2023 da Tarek Ben Yakhlef - Pop Art, pop-art-615, vanità, pop art, pop culture, skull art, skull

Tarek Ben Yakhlef

"L'homme est un loup"

Inchiostro su Carta | 11,8x8,3 in

300,2 USD
Stampe disponibili
Disegno intitolato "Vanity" da Dominique Dève, Opera d'arte originale, Carbone
Vanity - Disegno, 11,4x8,3 in ©2023 da Dominique Dève - Expressionism, expressionism-591, vanità, vanity, skull, drawing, charcoal, mixedmedia

Dominique Dève


Carbone su Carta | 11,4x8,3 in

286,6 USD
Disegno intitolato "Skull by Nature 12" da Tarek Ben Yakhlef, Opera d'arte originale, Inchiostro
Skull by Nature 12 - Disegno, 11,7x8,3 in ©2015 da Tarek Ben Yakhlef - Street Art, street-art-624, vanità, skull

Tarek Ben Yakhlef

"Skull by Nature 12"

Inchiostro su Carta | 11,7x8,3 in

Disegno intitolato "Vanité avec Un Port…" da Amazeigh Bouzékri, Opera d'arte originale, Olio
Vanité avec Un Porte Pipe et Un Sablier - Disegno, 9,1x13 in ©2023 da Amazeigh Bouzékri - Classicism, classicism-933, vanità,

Amazeigh Bouzékri

"Vanité avec Un Porte Pipe et Un Sablier"

Olio su Carta | 9,1x13 in

994,61 USD
Disegno intitolato "Tempus fugit" da Tarek Ben Yakhlef, Opera d'arte originale, Inchiostro
Tempus fugit - Disegno, 8,3x5,9 in ©2023 da Tarek Ben Yakhlef - Figurative, figurative-594, vanità, pop culture, skull, skull art

Tarek Ben Yakhlef

"Tempus fugit"

Inchiostro su Carta | 8,3x5,9 in

160,86 USD
Stampe disponibili
Disegno intitolato "Le crochet" da Dima An, Opera d'arte originale, Grafite
Le crochet - Disegno, 9,1x6,3 in ©2009 da Dima An - Conceptual Art, conceptual-art-579, vanità

Dima An

"Le crochet"

Grafite su Cartone | 9,1x6,3 in

901,15 USD
Disegno intitolato "shyly" da Prof. Andreas Loeschner-Gornau, Opera d'arte originale, Pastello
shyly - Disegno, 11,4x8,3 in ©2024 da Prof. Andreas Loeschner-Gornau - Surrealism, surrealism-627, vanità, religious art, mythology, expressionism

Prof. Andreas Loeschner-Gornau


Pastello su Altro substrato | 11,4x8,3 in

122,8 USD
Disegno intitolato "“Die Rose Ist Ohne…" da Rafferoico, Opera d'arte originale, Carbone
“Die Rose Ist Ohne Warum I” Op.547 MMXXII - Disegno, 39,4x27,6 in ©2022 da Rafferoico - Expressionism, expressionism-591, vanità, DieRoseIstOhneWarum, expressionism, baroque, mortality, roses, skulls, homeflies


"“Die Rose Ist Ohne Warum I” Op.547 MMXXII"

Carbone su Carta | 39,4x27,6 in

1.818,16 USD
Disegno intitolato "Astro house cafe" da Eugenie Eremeichuk, Opera d'arte originale, Matite colorate
Astro house cafe - Disegno, 9,1x6,4 in ©2023 da Eugenie Eremeichuk - Figurative, figurative-594, vanità, ocher, branches, interier, black, vase, glass, still life

Eugenie Eremeichuk

"Astro house cafe"

Matite colorate su Carta | 9,1x6,4 in

195 USD
Stampe disponibili
Disegno intitolato "Calavera" da Tarek Ben Yakhlef, Opera d'arte originale, Inchiostro
Calavera - Disegno, 9,1x6,3 in ©2020 da Tarek Ben Yakhlef - Street Art, street-art-624, vanità, skull

Tarek Ben Yakhlef


Inchiostro su Carta | 9,1x6,3 in

194,84 USD
Stampe disponibili
Disegno intitolato "Club 27 bis" da Philip Dietrich, Opera d'arte originale, Grafite
Club 27 bis - Disegno, 16,5x11,7 in ©2023 da Philip Dietrich - Figurative, figurative-594, vanità, Robert Johnson, Club 27, Jim Morrison, Amy Winehouse, Jimi Hendrix, Janis Joplin, Brian Jones, Kurt Cobain

Philip Dietrich

"Club 27 bis"

Grafite su Carta | 16,5x11,7 in

Non in vendita
Disegno intitolato ""Die Rose Ist Ohne…" da Rafferoico, Opera d'arte originale, Carbone
"Die Rose Ist Ohne Warum II" Op.548 MMXXII - Disegno, 39,4x27,6 in ©2022 da Rafferoico - Expressionism, expressionism-591, vanità, skulls, roses, baroque, homeflies, death, mortality, passion, DieRoseIstOhneWarum, expressionism, figurative


""Die Rose Ist Ohne Warum II" Op.548 MMXXII"

Carbone su Carta | 39,4x27,6 in

1.818,16 USD
Disegno intitolato "Print Skull by Natu…" da Tarek Ben Yakhlef, Opera d'arte originale, Inchiostro
Print Skull by Nature - Disegno, 11,7x8,3 in ©2018 da Tarek Ben Yakhlef - Street Art, street-art-624, vanità, skull

Tarek Ben Yakhlef

"Print Skull by Nature"

Inchiostro su Carta | 11,7x8,3 in

178,98 USD
Stampe disponibili
Disegno intitolato "Untitelt:989" da Skylor Timeless, Opera d'arte originale, Matita
Untitelt:989 - Disegno, 11,8x7,9 in ©2023 da Skylor Timeless - Surrealism, surrealism-627, vanità, skizze, gefühl, unbeschreiblich, to face, Zeichnungen, abstrakt, face

Skylor Timeless


Matita su Carta | 11,8x7,9 in

5.487,34 USD
Disegno intitolato "Vanitas" da Tarek Ben Yakhlef, Opera d'arte originale, Inchiostro
Vanitas - Disegno, 8,3x5,9 in ©2023 da Tarek Ben Yakhlef - Pop Art, pop-art-615, vanità, writing, pop culture, Skull art, Skull

Tarek Ben Yakhlef


Inchiostro su Carta | 8,3x5,9 in

160,86 USD
Stampe disponibili
Disegno intitolato "PAS DE TITRE no.2" da Matei Gabriel Buzescu, Opera d'arte originale, Grafite
PAS DE TITRE no.2 - Disegno, 8,3x11,7 in ©2024 da Matei Gabriel Buzescu - Outsider Art, outsider-art-1044, vanità, Graphite, Jeune artiste, Young artist, Black and white

Matei Gabriel Buzescu


Grafite su Carta | 8,3x11,7 in

Disegno intitolato "skills" da Emmanuel Forgues, Opera d'arte originale, Matita
skills - Disegno, 11,7x8,3 in ©2022 da Emmanuel Forgues - Outsider Art, outsider-art-1044, vanità

Emmanuel Forgues


Matita su Carta | 11,7x8,3 in

Non in vendita


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