Vita quotidiana Arti digitali in vendita

2.822 Edizioni limitate originali e stampe d'arte digitali in vendita: [...]

2.822 Edizioni limitate originali e stampe d'arte digitali in vendita:

Stai cercando Opere d'arte digitale originali in vendita ?

Esplora tutti gli stili e tutte le tecniche di arte digitale: arte contemporanea, arte di strada, arte astratta, arte figurativa... Artmajeur si rivolge a tutte le sensibilità artistiche e celebra la bellezza al tuo fianco da 20 anni con oltre 2 milioni di opere d'arte contemporanea da scoprire. .. o acquisire! Scopri le opere di artisti contemporanei di tutto il mondo per arredare i tuoi interni con classe! Semplice amante dell'arte o collezionista confermato? Trova la tela o il dipinto preferito che migliorerà davvero la tua decorazione. Artmajeur ti offre opere originali, edizioni limitate e stampe d'arte dei migliori artisti contemporanei del mondo. Su Artmajeur, le opere d'arte digitali sono selezionate da appassionati ed esperti del mercato dell'arte. Selezioniamo per te le opere originali di artisti di tendenza, premiati e riconosciuti, nonché i nuovi valori emergenti nel campo dell'arte contemporanea per guidarti e aiutarti nel tuo processo di acquisto di arte digitale online.

Discover contemporary Everyday Life Digital Arts on Artmajeur

Contemporary Everyday Life Digital Arts is a form of original artwork that has emerged in recent years and is gaining popularity among art enthusiasts. This type of art is created using digital tools and materials, such as computer software, tablets, and smartphones. The subject matter of this art is drawn from everyday life and the artist’s personal experiences. What makes this type of art unique is its ability to blur the boundaries between the physical and digital worlds. Artists can manipulate their art in real-time, creating an interactive and immersive experience for the viewer. This form of art also allows for endless variations and experimentation, making it a constantly evolving and dynamic medium. As technology continues to advance, so does the potential for Everyday Life Digital Arts. How do we define the value of digital art? How do we preserve digital art for the future? These are questions that arise as this new form of art gains recognition and significance in the art world.

Arte digitale,  39,4x39,4 in
©2024 Vicent Creatik

Origins and History

Contemporary Everyday Life Digital Arts, also known as Digital Art, New Media Art, or Media Art, emerged in the 1960s with the rise of computer technology. Artists began exploring digital tools and incorporating them into their work, creating interactive installations, video art, and more. The 1980s saw the introduction of personal computers and software, which allowed artists greater access to digital tools. Today, Everyday Life Digital Arts continue to evolve with the advancements in technology, exploring themes such as identity, politics, and culture.

Arte digitale,  15,8x15,8 in
Normality Arte digitale, 15,8x15,8 in
©2024 V.O.G. Artista rappresentato da Yourdreamgallery

Evolutions of theses works in the contemporary art market

Contemporary Everyday Life Digital Arts have become increasingly prevalent in recent years, reflecting the ever-growing importance of technology in our daily lives. Artists have been experimenting with a wide range of mediums, from digital photography and video to interactive installations and virtual reality experiences. These works explore themes such as social media, virtual relationships, and the impact of technology on our sense of self. Their importance in the contemporary art market is evident in the growing number of exhibitions and galleries dedicated to digital art. Questions arise about the authenticity of digital works, the role of the viewer in the art experience, and the relationship between technology and human emotion. As technology continues to evolve, so too will the possibilities for Everyday Life Digital Arts.

Arte digitale,  15,8x15,8 in
Lunar walk Arte digitale, 15,8x15,8 in
©2024 V.O.G. Artista rappresentato da Yourdreamgallery

Related Famous Artists

Contemporary artists are renowned for their ability to capture the essence of everyday life through their digital arts. These artists use various forms of media to create thought-provoking pieces that reflect the modern world we live in. Here are some of the most well-known artists in this genre:

  1. David Hockney - a British artist who is known for his use of digital technology to create colorful and vibrant landscapes, portraits, and still life pieces. He uses the iPad and other digital tools to create his works.

  2. Cindy Sherman - an American artist who is famous for her self-portraits that question the role of women in society. She uses digital manipulation to create her images, which often blur the line between reality and fantasy.

  3. Ai Weiwei - a Chinese artist who uses digital media to create works that explore themes of human rights, freedom of speech, and political activism. He often uses social media to engage with his audience and raise awareness about global issues.

  4. Trevor Paglen - an American artist who uses digital photography to capture images of the hidden world of government surveillance, military operations, and corporate power. He uses his work to explore the relationship between technology and power in the modern world.

  5. Cory Arcangel - an American artist who uses digital media to create works that explore the intersection of technology, culture, and creativity. He is known for his use of computer code, video games, and other digital tools to create his pieces.

These artists have made significant contributions to contemporary art by using digital media to capture the essence of everyday life. Their works are thought-provoking, emotional, and often inspire us to question the world around us.

Arte digitale,  15,8x15,8 in
Golf on the moon Arte digitale, 15,8x15,8 in
©2024 V.O.G. Artista rappresentato da Yourdreamgallery

Notable contemporary Everyday Life Digital Arts

Contemporary digital art is a fascinating field that explores the intersection of technology and everyday life. Here are some well-known examples of digital artworks that capture the essence of our modern world.

"Everyday" by Cory Arcangel (2009) is a video installation that shows a series of YouTube videos of people doing mundane activities, such as brushing their teeth or walking their dog. The videos are looped and edited to create a sense of repetition and monotony, reflecting the routines of our daily lives.

"Selfiecity" by Lev Manovich and Moritz Stefaner (2014) is a project that analyzes the selfies posted on Instagram in different cities around the world. The project uses data visualization to show patterns in the way people take and share selfies, revealing the cultural and social aspects of this phenomenon.

"Pixel Rain" by Rafael Lozano-Hemmer (2012) is an interactive installation that invites participants to use their smartphones to create a digital rain of pixels on a giant screen. The installation explores the relationship between technology and nature, and the ways in which we interact with our environment through digital media.

"Ten Thousand Cents" by Aaron Koblin and Takashi Kawashima (2008) is a collaborative project that transforms a $100 bill into a digital artwork created by 10,000 people from around the world. Each person was paid one cent to draw a small part of the bill using a web-based drawing tool. The resulting image is a mosaic of different styles and interpretations, reflecting the diversity of our global community.

"Google Street View" by Jon Rafman (2009-ongoing) is a series of digital artworks that use screenshots from Google Street View to explore the boundaries between reality and virtuality. The artworks show surreal and unexpected scenes captured by the Google cameras, revealing the hidden beauty and strangeness of our everyday world.

Overall, these artworks demonstrate the power of digital media to capture and reflect the complexities and contradictions of our contemporary lives.

Più rilevanti | I più recenti

Arte digitale intitolato "NARRATIVES OF SILEN…" da Vicent Creatik, Opera d'arte originale, Pittura digitale
NARRATIVES OF SILENCE 2 - INVOLUNTARY THOUG - Arte digitale, 39,4x39,4 in ©2024 da Vicent Creatik - Conceptual Art, conceptual-art-579, Vita di ogni giorno, pintura digital, dibujo digital, rollo papel higienico, luces y sombras, blanco y negro, figurativo, conceptual, espacio vacio, minimalismo, ausencias, silencios

Vicent Creatik


Arte digitale | 39,4x39,4 in

1.877,07 USD
Arte digitale intitolato "Golf on the moon" da V.O.G., Opera d'arte originale, Stampa digitale
Golf on the moon - Arte digitale, 15,8x15,8 in ©2024 da V.O.G. - Conceptual Art, conceptual-art-579, Vita di ogni giorno


"Golf on the moon"

Arte digitale

Non in vendita
Arte digitale intitolato "Tenon Saw - orange" da Stuart Hicking, Opera d'arte originale, Lavoro digitale 2D
Tenon Saw - orange - Arte digitale ©2023 da Stuart Hicking - Pop Art, pop-art-615, Vita di ogni giorno, vibrant, colourful, pop art, abstract expressionism, tools, jim dine, marshall mcluhan, retro, giclée, prints

Stuart Hicking

"Tenon Saw - orange"

Arte digitale | Diverse dimensioni

Arte digitale intitolato "CAMPEROL" da Josep Domènech, Opera d'arte originale, Immagine generata dall'IA
CAMPEROL - Arte digitale ©2024 da Josep Domènech - Vita di ogni giorno,

Josep Domènech


Arte digitale | Diverse dimensioni

Arte digitale intitolato "In viaggio 01" da Vito Consalvo, Opera d'arte originale, Pittura digitale
In viaggio 01 - Arte digitale ©2024 da Vito Consalvo - Figurative, figurative-594, Vita di ogni giorno

Vito Consalvo

"In viaggio 01"

Arte digitale | Diverse dimensioni

Arte digitale intitolato "The Balcony" da Russell Newell, Opera d'arte originale, Modellazione 3D
The Balcony - Arte digitale ©2024 da Russell Newell - Conceptual Art, conceptual-art-579, Vita di ogni giorno, conceptual

Russell Newell

"The Balcony"

Arte digitale

Non in vendita
Arte digitale intitolato "“Lebhaftes Straßenc…" da Lee Eggstein, Opera d'arte originale, Acrilico
“Lebhaftes Straßencafé” Nr.19 - Arte digitale, 39,4x39,4 in ©2024 da Lee Eggstein - Figurative, figurative-594, Vita di ogni giorno, farbenfroh, beliebte bilder, digitale kunst, cafeszene

Lee Eggstein

"“Lebhaftes Straßencafé” Nr.19"

Arte digitale | 39,4x39,4 in

1.751,33 USD
Arte digitale intitolato "Amethyst Crystal Va…" da Alberto Capitani, Opera d'arte originale, Immagine generata dall'IA
Amethyst Crystal Vase with Golden Spirals and Blue Accents - Arte digitale ©2024 da Alberto Capitani - Figurative, figurative-594, Vita di ogni giorno, amethyst, crystal vase, decorative vase, golden spirals, luxury art, gemstone art, floral design, artistic craftsmanship, nature-inspired

Alberto Capitani

"Amethyst Crystal Vase with Golden Spirals and Blue Accents"

Arte digitale | Diverse dimensioni

Arte digitale intitolato "Coffee manual grind…" da Hrdesign111, Opera d'arte originale, Pittura digitale
Coffee manual grinder - Arte digitale ©2024 da Hrdesign111 - Illustration, illustration-600, Vita di ogni giorno, Coffee manual grinder, grinding coffee, coffee device, manual grinder, grinder, coffee grinder, mocha, coffee, kitchen Appliance, coffee Bean, cookware Accessory, coffeemaker, device, coffee Cup, kettle


"Coffee manual grinder"

Arte digitale | Diverse dimensioni

Arte digitale intitolato "EL MOSSÈN" da Josep Domènech, Opera d'arte originale, Immagine generata dall'IA
EL MOSSÈN - Arte digitale ©2024 da Josep Domènech - Vita di ogni giorno,

Josep Domènech


Arte digitale | Diverse dimensioni

Arte digitale intitolato "Blue-Green Vase wit…" da Alberto Capitani, Opera d'arte originale, Immagine generata dall'IA
Blue-Green Vase with Vibrant Red Accents and Floral Motifs - Arte digitale ©2024 da Alberto Capitani - Figurative, figurative-594, Vita di ogni giorno, Blue-green vase, flowing patterns, red accents, floral motifs, modern decor, artistic vase, vibrant design, decorative vase, home decor, dynamic energy

Alberto Capitani

"Blue-Green Vase with Vibrant Red Accents and Floral Motifs"

Arte digitale | Diverse dimensioni

Arte digitale intitolato "Ophelia d'Hamlet" da Artcypia, Opera d'arte originale, Immagine generata dall'IA
Ophelia d'Hamlet - Arte digitale ©2024 da Artcypia - Classicism, classicism-933, Vita di ogni giorno, Ophelia, Hamlet, Noyade, Shakespeare, Drame


"Ophelia d'Hamlet"

Arte digitale | Diverse dimensioni

Arte digitale intitolato "Normality" da V.O.G., Opera d'arte originale, Stampa digitale
Normality - Arte digitale, 15,8x15,8 in ©2024 da V.O.G. - Conceptual Art, conceptual-art-579, Vita di ogni giorno,



Arte digitale

Non in vendita
Arte digitale intitolato "Old brushes - pink…" da Stuart Hicking, Opera d'arte originale, Lavoro digitale 2D
Old brushes - pink splash - Arte digitale ©2023 da Stuart Hicking - Pop Art, pop-art-615, Vita di ogni giorno, pop art, tools, art tools, vibrant, jim dine, jasper johns, retro, the everyday, cool, memories, painting, artist

Stuart Hicking

"Old brushes - pink splash"

Arte digitale | Diverse dimensioni

Arte digitale intitolato "Lebendiges Cafélebe…" da Lee Eggstein, Opera d'arte originale, Acrilico
Lebendiges Caféleben Nr. 10 - Arte digitale, 39,4x39,4 in ©2024 da Lee Eggstein - Expressionism, expressionism-591, Vita di ogni giorno, cafeszene, Einkaufscenter, farbenfroh, beliebte bilder, architektur

Lee Eggstein

"Lebendiges Caféleben Nr. 10"

Arte digitale | 39,4x39,4 in

1.751,33 USD
Arte digitale intitolato "DUALIDAD" da Jonathan Valenzuela (Mr.Graphos), Opera d'arte originale, Pittura digitale
DUALIDAD - Arte digitale ©2017 da Jonathan Valenzuela (Mr.Graphos) - Pop Art, pop-art-615, Vita di ogni giorno

Jonathan Valenzuela (Mr.Graphos)


Arte digitale | Diverse dimensioni

Arte digitale intitolato "Painting "Social Ne…" da Kristina Rudenko, Opera d'arte originale, Pittura digitale
Painting "Social Networks" - Arte digitale ©2024 da Kristina Rudenko - Symbolism, symbolism-1020, Vita di ogni giorno, Social Networks, collector, communication, black and white, cover, interior, license, print, poster, chat, symbol, participants, contrast

Kristina Rudenko

"Painting "Social Networks""

Arte digitale | Diverse dimensioni

Arte digitale intitolato "Gourmandises d'hier" da Artcypia, Opera d'arte originale, Immagine generata dall'IA
Gourmandises d'hier - Arte digitale ©2024 da Artcypia - Hyperrealism, hyperrealism-612, Vita di ogni giorno, Patisserie, Gourmandise, Noblesse, dessert, repas


"Gourmandises d'hier"

Arte digitale | Diverse dimensioni

Arte digitale intitolato "GUIRIS" da Josep Domènech, Opera d'arte originale, Immagine generata dall'IA
GUIRIS - Arte digitale ©2024 da Josep Domènech - Vita di ogni giorno

Josep Domènech


Arte digitale | Diverse dimensioni

Arte digitale intitolato "Simple Freedom. The…" da Vafa Majidli, Opera d'arte originale, Pittura digitale
Simple Freedom. The Warmth - Print - Arte digitale, 31,5x31,5 in ©2024 da Vafa Majidli - Conceptual Art, conceptual-art-579, Vita di ogni giorno, Monochrome art prints, original art print for home, minimalist art piece for walls, warm peach art for living room, chocolate brown abstract art, balance in conversation art, circles art about connection, meaning of dialogue in art, color harmony in modern prints, art for personal spaces, visual art of freedom, art for calming environments, unique print for art lovers, serenity in dialogue art, peach and brown color palette, abstract shapes in art, bold colors in minimalist art, warm tones in abstract artwork

Vafa Majidli

"Simple Freedom. The Warmth - Print"

Arte digitale | 31,5x31,5 in

786 USD
Arte digitale intitolato "Wine time - 1852" da Kerry Pritchard, Opera d'arte originale, Pittura digitale
Wine time - 1852 - Arte digitale ©2024 da Kerry Pritchard - Expressionism, expressionism-591, Vita di ogni giorno, wine time, vintage altered, wine time neon sign, altered vintage art, home bar decor, bar art, bar wall decor, wine lover gift, neon bar sign, vintage painting, pink graffiti, girly wall art, trendy art, trendy wall art, trendy dorm art, pink graffiti arts, text, quote

Kerry Pritchard

"Wine time - 1852"

Arte digitale | Diverse dimensioni

Arte digitale intitolato "Black Decorative Va…" da Alberto Capitani, Opera d'arte originale, Immagine generata dall'IA
Black Decorative Vase with Gold Designs and Green Gemstones - Arte digitale ©2024 da Alberto Capitani - Figurative, figurative-594, Vita di ogni giorno, Black vase, gemstone vase, malachite, gold embellishments, luxurious decor, floral motifs, regal design, decorative vase, home decor, artistic vase

Alberto Capitani

"Black Decorative Vase with Gold Designs and Green Gemstones"

Arte digitale | Diverse dimensioni

Arte digitale intitolato "Hafen-Hamburg" da Master Phago, Opera d'arte originale, Fotografia digitale Montato su Telaio per…
Hafen-Hamburg - Arte digitale, 39,4x59,1 in ©2012 da Master Phago - Pop Art, pop-art-615, Vita di ogni giorno, Master Phago, Hamburg, New York City

Master Phago


Arte digitale | 39,4x59,1 in

1.952,97 USD
Arte digitale intitolato "Kerosene lamp" da Hrdesign111, Opera d'arte originale, Pittura digitale
Kerosene lamp - Arte digitale ©2024 da Hrdesign111 - Illustration, illustration-600, Vita di ogni giorno, kerosene lamp, kerosene, lamp, vintage kerosene lamp, lantern, vintage lantern, light, oil lamp, retro lamp, antique lamp, retro lantern, antique lantern, lamp art, lamp design, lamp illustration, lamp draw, lamp painting


"Kerosene lamp"

Arte digitale | Diverse dimensioni

Arte digitale intitolato "Lunar walk" da V.O.G., Opera d'arte originale, Stampa digitale
Lunar walk - Arte digitale, 15,8x15,8 in ©2024 da V.O.G. - Conceptual Art, conceptual-art-579, Vita di ogni giorno


"Lunar walk"

Arte digitale

Non in vendita
Arte digitale intitolato "Break" da V.O.G., Opera d'arte originale, Stampa digitale
Break - Arte digitale, 15,8x15,8 in ©2024 da V.O.G. - Conceptual Art, conceptual-art-579, Vita di ogni giorno



Arte digitale | 15,8x15,8 in

568,67 USD
Arte digitale intitolato "Shopping routine" da V.O.G., Opera d'arte originale, Stampa digitale
Shopping routine - Arte digitale, 15,8x15,8 in ©2024 da V.O.G. - Conceptual Art, conceptual-art-579, Vita di ogni giorno


"Shopping routine"

Arte digitale

Non in vendita
Arte digitale intitolato "Le salon bleu de la…" da Artcypia, Opera d'arte originale, Immagine generata dall'IA
Le salon bleu de la dame en rose - Arte digitale ©2024 da Artcypia - Classicism, classicism-933, Vita di ogni giorno, rose, bleu, salon, lady, aristocrate, robe


"Le salon bleu de la dame en rose"

Arte digitale | Diverse dimensioni

Arte digitale intitolato "Il Tempo Guarisce" da Andrea La Martina (NEXA ART), Opera d'arte originale, Collage digitale Monta…
Il Tempo Guarisce - Arte digitale, 31,5x23,6 in ©2023 da Andrea La Martina (NEXA ART) - Spiritual Art, spiritual-art-1040, Vita di ogni giorno

Andrea La Martina (NEXA ART)

"Il Tempo Guarisce"

Arte digitale | 31,5x23,6 in

1.623,08 USD
Arte digitale intitolato "Whispers of the Void" da Romain Bonnet, Opera d'arte originale, Pittura digitale
Whispers of the Void - Arte digitale ©2024 da Romain Bonnet - Spiritual Art, spiritual-art-1040, Vita di ogni giorno, landscape, surreal, digital art, abstract, void, cliff, rock, nature, concept art, fog

Romain Bonnet

"Whispers of the Void"

Arte digitale | Diverse dimensioni

Arte digitale intitolato "Stuck" da Amoralez, Opera d'arte originale, Pittura digitale
Stuck - Arte digitale ©2024 da Amoralez - Surrealism, surrealism-627, Vita di ogni giorno,



Arte digitale | Diverse dimensioni

Arte digitale intitolato "moka pot" da Hrdesign111, Opera d'arte originale, Pittura digitale
moka pot - Arte digitale ©2024 da Hrdesign111 - Illustration, illustration-600, Vita di ogni giorno, moka pot, Instant coffee, coffee pot, coffee Cup, Coffee bean, coffeemaker, mocha, coffee, coffee Jar, jar, serveware, jug, barware, brewed Coffee, kettle, espresso Machines, coffee Maker


"moka pot"

Arte digitale | Diverse dimensioni

Arte digitale intitolato "Alone in the Dark" da Troy Wilson-Ripsom, Opera d'arte originale, Acrilico
Alone in the Dark - Arte digitale ©2024 da Troy Wilson-Ripsom - Expressionism, expressionism-591, Vita di ogni giorno,

Troy Wilson-Ripsom

"Alone in the Dark"

Arte digitale | Diverse dimensioni

Arte digitale intitolato "Arabic coffee" da Hrdesign111, Opera d'arte originale, Pittura digitale
Arabic coffee - Arte digitale ©2024 da Hrdesign111 - Illustration, illustration-600, Vita di ogni giorno, Arabic coffee, glass, serveware, jug, barware, tableware, drinkware, cup, coffeemaker, coffee Cup, brewed Coffee, arabs, teapot, coffee, coffee Pot, coffee Jar, jar, tea


"Arabic coffee"

Arte digitale | Diverse dimensioni

Arte digitale intitolato "Amber Vase with Cop…" da Alberto Capitani, Opera d'arte originale, Immagine generata dall'IA
Amber Vase with Copper and Bronze Floral Arrangement - Arte digitale ©2024 da Alberto Capitani - Figurative, figurative-594, Vita di ogni giorno, Amber decorative vase, amber flowers, copper decor, bronze decor, modern art, contemporary vase, home decor, floral arrangement, artistic vase, luxury vase

Alberto Capitani

"Amber Vase with Copper and Bronze Floral Arrangement"

Arte digitale | Diverse dimensioni


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