Ex libris " The image of anthropomorphic nature" (2018) Incisioni, stampe da Nadin Kirnasovskaya

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Venduto da Nadin Kirnasovskaya

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Quest'opera d'arte appare in 1 collezioni
  • Opera d'arte originale Incisioni, stampe, incisione / Acquaforte su Carta
  • Dimensioni Altezza 5,3in, Larghezza 5,3in
  • Categorie Incisioni e stampe sotto i 500 USD Figurativo
Ex libris etching aquatint, C3, C5, C6, 2018. The Ex libris "An image of anthropomorphic nature in a female form, which has four elements of Scythian mythology". This work represents an appeal to the image of anthropomorphic nature in a feminine form, which has four elements, represented in the form of the Scythian heavenly deer, falcon-sun,[...]
Ex libris etching aquatint, C3, C5, C6, 2018. The Ex libris "An image of anthropomorphic nature in a female form, which has four elements of Scythian mythology".
This work represents an appeal to the image of anthropomorphic nature in a feminine form, which has four elements, represented in the form of the Scythian heavenly deer, falcon-sun, the earth's world in the form of a panther, and the underwater world in the form of fish.

Ex libris gravure aquatinte, C3, C5, C6, 2018. L'Ex libris "Une image de la nature anthropomorphique dans une forme féminine, qui a quatre éléments de la mythologie scythe".
Ce travail représente un appel à l'image de la nature anthropomorphique dans une forme féminine, qui a quatre éléments, représentés sous la forme du cerf céleste scythe, faucon-soleil, le monde de la terre sous la forme d'une panthère, et le monde sous-marin dans la forme de poisson.

Temi correlati

Ex LibrisEtchingAquatintAn Anthropomorphic NatureFemale Form

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Incisioni, stampe su Carta | 5x5 in
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Incisioni, stampe su Carta | 4x3,9 in
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Incisioni, stampe su Carta | 3,9x5 in
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