Fall at Orchard Pond (2019) Pittura da Bobbie O'Toole

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Venditore Bobbie O'Toole

Carta per belle arti, 8x8 in

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34,00 USD
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  1424 px  

1500 px
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Quest'opera d'arte appare in 1 collezioni
  • Opera d'arte originale (One Of A Kind) Pittura, Acrilico su Tela
  • Dimensioni Altezza 30in, Larghezza 30in
  • Incorniciatura Questa opera d'arte non è incorniciata
  • Categorie Quadri sotto i 1.000 USD
Fall at Orchard Pond - 30”x30”x1.5” Acrylic on Canvas A weeping willow hangs low near the clear still water of Orchard Pond. Fall sets in early in this area and the leaves have already turned on much of the surrounding tree and brush. The modern house sits ready to keep the occupants warm over the coming winter.
Fall at Orchard Pond - 30”x30”x1.5” Acrylic on Canvas
A weeping willow hangs low near the clear still water of Orchard Pond. Fall sets in early in this area and the leaves have already turned on much of the surrounding tree and brush. The modern house sits ready to keep the occupants warm over the coming winter.

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Bobbie O’Toole is a California Artist who grew up in New Yorks’ City Island and with encouragement by her family and childhood teachers and instructors learned the joy art could bring.  In the mid 50's[...]

Bobbie O’Toole is a California Artist who grew up in New Yorks’ City Island and with encouragement by her family and childhood teachers and instructors learned the joy art could bring. 

In the mid 50's Bobbie moved to Arizona and after high school attended Arizona State University. She was mentored by locally known artist Joseph Gatti of Scottsdale.

After marriage, Bobbie moved to the Los Angeles area and from 1965 she worked in corporate America till 2007. Upon retirement and a long illness requireing care taking and the eventual death of her husband, she returned to her first love drawing and painting and has been devoted to her art ever since.

Bobbie currently lives and works in her home studio in Sunland California.
Current associations:
Angeles Crest Art Guild
California Art Club
Light Space and Time Gallery on line competitions multiple months 2016-2019
Art Ascent Magazine February Edition 2019
Fusion Art completion 2nd palace Women's Art 2019

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