FIORI (1992) Disegno da Miraldo Sponza Gambel

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Venditore Miraldo Sponza Gambel

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33,49 USD
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  369 px  

512 px
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Banca d'immagine d'arte
Certificato di autenticità incluso
  • Opera d'arte originale Disegno,
  • Dimensioni Altezza 11,8in, Larghezza 9,8in
FIORI. Disegno su cartoncino A proposito di quest'opera: Classificazione, tecniche & Stili Tecnico Disegno Il disegno[...]
FIORI. Disegno su cartoncino
Pittore ed esecutore di vetrate policrome. Ha operato in Italia, Svizzera e Spagna. Miraldo Sponza was born of Istrian parents at Rovigno d’Istria (Pola). Very soon, however, he[...]

Pittore ed esecutore di vetrate policrome.
Ha operato in Italia, Svizzera e Spagna.

Miraldo Sponza was born of Istrian parents at Rovigno d’Istria (Pola).
Very soon, however, he left his birthplace to travel, animated by a desire to know, to meet people and to undergo new experiences.
After various wanderings he arrived in Sicily where he finally found a climate and an atmosphere in agreement with his character.
“I found in Sicily – the artist tells us- the proper harmony to express my artistic personality.
Fascinated by the blue sky and white-hot sun of that country, I began a meticulous work of selftaugt research . Not happy with my first results I enrolled at an art school in Catania
where I had the opportunity of meeting the invaluable maestro Mario Del Vesco, who was
in a manner of speaking, my firts real teacher.”
Later on he established himself in Switzerland where he continued his research into painting. One can still find many of his canvases in the Canton of San Gallo. Finally he moved to Turin and thanks to the cultural experience and artistic acquisites which he brought with him , and thanks also to the fact that he had already acquired a fine reputation, he was not long in being accepted into artistic circles and in making many friends. He founded with the painters Salmoria Walter and Carlo Passeretti Group C, and “The Shell Gallery”,
an association of young artists united by friendship and love of art. Torino 1970.
It was here, in these surroundings, that were born some of his most beatiful and most humane works. The metaphysicalsensorial current with which he is inspired,is certainly that to which he addresses himself more to explain the sea of feelings and emotions which boil within him. His view of life, which expresses itself in a
painting rich in colour and images apparently serene is, in depth, a most pessimistic view, almost as bad as the poet Leopardi would have envisaged .
From the landscape, his attention spills over onto the human figures, therefore to Man seen in a dual sense, material and spiritual; he makes evident the dualism Which represents the constant drama of life.
The artist, at the moment, lives in Genova-Italy.

Vedere più a proposito di Miraldo Sponza Gambel

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Pittura | 15,8x19,7 in
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Disegno | 15,8x19,7 in
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Disegno | 9,8x13,8 in
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Disegno | 11,8x9,8 in
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