Balinese Ceremony ( Certificate ) Pittura da Men Sagan

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Venditore Men Sagan

Certificato di autenticità incluso
  • Opera d'arte originale Pittura, Olio su Tela
  • Dimensioni Le dimensioni sono disponibili su richiesta
  • Categorie Espressionismo
Expressionist painting by Indonesian Famous painter. A proposito di quest'opera: Classificazione, tecniche & Stili Olio Vernice composta da pigmenti[...]
Expressionist painting by Indonesian Famous painter.

Temi correlati

BalineseTraditionMen SaganPaintingLukisan

Tradotto automaticamente
Men Sagan, a self taught artist, was the second child of Dr. Soeprapto who gained his art talent from his mother. In 1970, he was introduced to the World famous Indonesian master, Affandi and was[...]

Men Sagan, a self taught artist, was the second child of Dr. Soeprapto who gained his art talent from his mother.

In 1970, he was introduced to the World famous Indonesian master, Affandi and was influenced by Affandi's art techniques. Since then, he became publicly known as an artist who has the expertise in painting Affandi's style.

Men Sagan has held many group exhibitions and solo exhibitions. Many of his artworks are collected by private collectors around the world and his artworks can also be seen in international Art Auction such as 'MasterPiece’.

Comparing the realists mix with the impressionists. Men Sagan achieved expressing his passion and emotion through his works.

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Olio su Tela | 39,4x52,8 in
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