A carta (2004) Pittura da Laerpe Motta

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Venditore Laerpe Motta

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33,37 USD
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  304 px  

365 px
Dimensioni del file (px) 304x365
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Banca d'immagine d'arte
Certificato di autenticità incluso
  • Opera d'arte originale Pittura,
  • Dimensioni Altezza 23,6in, Larghezza 19,7in
Imagem infantil no ato de se comunicar com os amigos A proposito di quest'opera: Classificazione, tecniche & Stili Tecnico Pittura [...]
Imagem infantil no ato de se comunicar com os amigos
Tradotto automaticamente
1955 - 1º Place (Prize Acquisition) - 36º EucarísticoInternacional Congress. 1967 - Bronze medal - National Hall of Beautiful Arts. 1968 - Medal of silver - Hall of the Centenarian - Portuguese Ginástico Club[...]

1955 - 1º Place (Prize Acquisition) - 36º EucarísticoInternacional Congress. 1967 - Bronze medal - National Hall of Beautiful Arts. 1968 - Medal of silver - Hall of the Centenarian - Portuguese Ginástico Club - River. 1970 - Dot two panels - Real Bank - Agency Assembly - River. 1975 - It paints a picture - Bank of Brazil - Inauguration of the Agency in L.A. - the USA. It has its enclosed name in the Dictionary of Arts Plastic of Brazil 1977 - Invited for the Mint of Brazil - executes commemorative medal of quadricentésimo anniversary of Rubens painter. It receives the heading from "Plastic Artist of the Year", conferred for the Association of the Plastic Artists of the Federal District - Brasilia. It creates layers for records of the Brazilian Symphonic Orchestra. 1978 - For the Post offices and Telegraphs of Brazil - Peace creates a stamp under the subject "and Development" considered by criticizes specialized the best stamp of the year. Again invited for the Mint of Brazil - commemorative medal of the 150 years of the existence of the Braile System executes. 1979 - It creates layers for records of the "Orchestra of Chamber of the Philips" - One more time invited for the Mint of Brazil - executes commemorative medal for the "International Year of the Child". 1980 - The Shell of Brazil acquires a picture for its pinacoteca. 1981 - The State Secretary of Education and Culture of Rio De Janeiro, Dr. Arnaldo Niskierpresenteia then the governor of the state Dr. Chagas Freitas, in official solemnity. 1984 - Awarding in the International Center D'Art Contemporain - Paris. 1997 - It enters for Brazilian Academy of Beautiful Arts - River - Workmanships in the Museum of Art of Native of London - Pr.

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Pittura | 15,8x19,7 in
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Non in vendita
Non in vendita
Pittura | 31,5x23,6 in
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