Gongga I, 2009 (Spiritual Art Collection) (2009) Fotografia da Kk

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64,18 USD
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  999 px  

1500 px
Dimensioni del file (px) 999x1500
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Quest'opera d'arte appare in 1 collezioni
Gongga I, 2009 (Spiritual Art Collection) Size H33.1 W46.8 in (A0) 2009 /Limited Edition 1 of 23 This Artwork also available as: H23.4 W33.1 in, Limited Edition of 33 H16.5 x W23.4 in, Limited Edition of 50 Contact the artist for details and prices of other options. Art Description:
Gongga I, 2009 (Spiritual Art Collection)
Size H33.1 W46.8 in (A0)
2009 /Limited Edition 1 of 23

This Artwork also available as:
H23.4 W33.1 in, Limited Edition of 33
H16.5 x W23.4 in, Limited Edition of 50

Contact the artist for details and prices of other options.

Art Description:
Gongga I, 2009 (Spiritual Art Collection). Gongga Mountains fine art print on Metallic Gloss 260 gr limited by a certificate of authenticity. The certificate of authenticity is signed by the artist.

The artwork was developed from the film for more than 10 years ago. We did a lot of procedures to make this work come true from a low-resolution photo taken 11 years ago, and make it shine on a metallic glossy paper. It is not perfect, but the imperfection made it Art.

Story of the Artwork:
Story of Artwork: Over 10 years ago, I had an idea to go to China and see the mountains, the landscape, the people far from my city. This was my first spiritual journey.

When looking at the greatness of nature, many questions popped up in my head: What I wanna do in my life? What's the purpose of life? What's important in my life? Am I walking on the path I supposed to? When we are just human in front of the greatness of nature.

"There is no one exactly like you in your life. "
"You need to create your own life, cos you are special."

That's the story of this artwork. Hope you love my Artwork.

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Tradotto automaticamente
Ken Kung, h e was a videographer and video director until his 36 birthday and decided to quit his job after a big change in life path, travel a long trip to Europe, start writing,[...]

Ken Kung, he was a videographer and video director until his 36 birthday and decided to quit his job after a big change in life path, travel a long trip to Europe, start writing, topics from Art, self-growth to spirituality. After 2 years of self-studying, he found his way to create an agency, to be an artist, and to put his passion in the art industry.

Ken believes that Art is the soul of human beings. It’s about the inner energy wanting to create something beautiful and shape reality, to improve the world. He believes that his Artwork and writing can ignite the soul from the heart. Art presents the unique spirit of you to the world and is responsible for revealing the truth, the soul, and passion. Hope you love my work.


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