Gaia (2021) Pittura da Ezra Bejar

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Venditore Ezra Bejar

Carta per belle arti, 8x11 in

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33,00 USD
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  1105 px  

1500 px
Dimensioni del file (px) 1105x1500
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Montato su Telaio per barella in legno
Quest'opera d'arte appare in 4 collezioni
Inspired in the Gaia hypothesis proposed by James Loevelock. He suggested that our planet is a global ecosystem. Living organisms interacting with inorganic surroundings and plants on Earth to form a synergistic and self-regulating, complex system. This system maintains and perpetuates the conditions for life on the planet. In my painting I had the[...]
Inspired in the Gaia hypothesis proposed by James Loevelock. He suggested that our planet is a global ecosystem. Living organisms interacting with inorganic surroundings and plants on Earth to form a synergistic and self-regulating, complex system. This system maintains and perpetuates the conditions for life on the planet. In my painting I had the vision of a powerful tree as the "system" or mastermind extending his arms to the sky touching the clouds and the atmosphere and his roots (feet) and shadow reaching the center of the earth to connect all microorganisms, organic matter, inorganic salts and all kinds of living forms in a syncitial* architecture. This painting is an acrylic, ink and plaster on a canvas, 30 x 40." Signature on the lower right corner. ready to hang.

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Professional artist from Mexico City based in San Diego, California. Bejar was educated in both the arts and the sciences. His art narrative is guided by his own transformation after a temporary loss of vision[...]

Professional artist from Mexico City based in San Diego, California. Bejar was educated in both the arts and the sciences. His art narrative is guided by his own transformation after a temporary loss of vision and 30 years of experience in scientific research. Ezra paints an alternative reality distilling color and shapes with traditional and modern (digital) methods.

His paintings are provocative, energetic and innovative. They are rich in color, geometries, textures and esthetics. Ezra’s art has reached global audiences, with his paintings being exhibited and collected in the US, Europe, Asia and Mexico.

Ezra was recognized as a binational artist by the Mexican Government Ministry of Foreign Affairs (IME), and elected as a board member of the International Association of Art (IAA USA, constituted and formalized by UNESCO in 1954). Since 2010, he has participated in over thirty solo and collective exhibitions in the US and internationally.

My artwork has evolved from a purely physical form of painting, to working with digital art, animation, and recently post-digital painting. This is an art form conceptually shaped by the internet and digital processes, but insisting on bringing materiality to it. Thoughts and ideas flow from a time scale that includes my ancestors, current events, ideas found in nature, historical documents, world travel and scientific publications.

The Alternative Reality (AR) Series
AR display layers of harmonious colors, light and shadows, with dissonant elements peeking audience's interest to explore more. This series depict our life on earth and changing reality during the pandemic. The bright paintings are full of creative optimism and evolving positive solutions. In the dark collection, the artist is haunted by unsettling changes in our ecological and social fabric. A bleak collection, representing a roller coaster of human emotions.

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