Untying of knots, bronze sculpture, limited 1/10 (2019) Scultura da Dmitriy Shevchuk


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5% of the purchase amount will be transferred to the fund for humanitarian aid to Ukrainians. Thank you for your support. --- The buyer receives a COA (certificate of authenticity) from a Ukrainian art gallery. Courier free delivery worldwide; the parcel will be securely packed and insured. --- Stamp: "D.Shevchuk[...]
5% of the purchase amount will be transferred to the fund for humanitarian aid to Ukrainians. Thank you for your support.
The buyer receives a COA (certificate of authenticity) from a Ukrainian art gallery.
Courier free delivery worldwide; the parcel will be securely packed and insured.
Stamp: "D.Shevchuk 2021".
Edition 1/10.
The height of 12 cm (4,7").
Bronze, author's artistic casting.
Work from the series "Satire as the Art of Life".

Rare author's sculpture of the conceptual master - Dmitriy Shevchuk.
Familiar to everyone plots are presented in a new, unusual presentation and decorated with the author's humor. Series “Satire as Art of life” has won the hearts of many collectors around the world. Creativity by Dmitry Shevchuk is represented in many private collections in Ukraine, USA, Italy, Germany and Poland.

Story description:
According to legend, around 1610 the Bavarian nobleman Wolfgang Langenmantel approached the Augsburg Jesuit Jacob Rehm with a request to reconcile him and his wife. The family was headed toward divorce, which in Bavaria at the time was unthinkable. Röhm ordered the husband to bring the ritual ribbons used in weddings and prayed over the ribbons "that all knots might be untied and disputes resolved." Legend has it that in doing so Remus experienced an apparition of the Virgin Mary. Subsequently, the couple managed to come to an agreement.

Thus, the legend of the untying of knots and the resolution of conflicts still exists to this day.

About author:
Shevchuk Dmitriy Viktorovich - was born in 1964 in Kiev (Ukraine). Artist and sculptor works in his own workshop in the Kiev region. In 1991 he graduated from the Kiev Art-Industrial School (now Kiev State Institute of Applied and Decorative Arts and Design named after M. Boichuk). After studying he was engaged in manufacturing of master-models (sculptures of small forms) for manufacturing firms both in Ukraine and abroad (Italy, USA).

Particular recognition of the author received after the release of the author's series of sculptures - "Satire as the art of life. This is an ironic series of caricatures, which turns the viewer to the philosophy of everyday life and encourages us to look at everyday things through the prism of the author's humor.

The author's work from beginning to end - the author himself makes the figure in wax, applies a layer of clay, then - melt the wax. After that he pours the metal. The last step - the author puts the finishing touches (sanding, soldering) and the figure is ready. The entire process from research to finished figurine takes about 3-4 weeks.

Until today, about 30 stories have been created (edition each of them up to 10 copies). Although the series is small, but the sculptor manages to create quite exclusive, original, funny and beautiful sculptures.

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Artista rappresentato da Art Dom
Dmitry Shevchuk, un artista ucraino contemporaneo rinomato per la sua maestria nelle caricature ironiche e nelle sculture umoristiche, ha scoperto la sua passione per modellare[...]

Dmitry Shevchuk, un artista ucraino contemporaneo rinomato per la sua maestria nelle caricature ironiche e nelle sculture umoristiche, ha scoperto la sua passione per modellare figure con la plastilina durante l'infanzia. Questa iniziale fascinazione ha aperto la strada al suo percorso artistico, portandolo a perseguire un'istruzione formale presso la Kyiv Art-Industrial School (ora Kyiv State Institute of Applied and Decorative Arts and Design intitolato a M. Boichuk), presso la quale si è laureato nel 1991.

Dopo la laurea, Dmitry si è dedicato al mondo della produzione, specializzandosi nella realizzazione di modelli principali, o piccole sculture, per varie aziende in Ucraina e all'estero, tra cui Italia e Stati Uniti.

Nel 2010, Dmitry ha intrapreso una nuova impresa artistica con l'inizio della sua serie intitolata "Satira as an Art of Life". Questa serie comprende statuette in bronzo, ciascuna alta fino a 20 cm, realizzate nel genere della caricatura ironica. Realizzata a mano dall'artista stesso, ogni opera è prodotta in edizioni limitate fino a 10 copie. La serie funge da esplorazione giocosa degli aspetti banali della vita quotidiana, invitando gli spettatori a contemplare l'ordinario attraverso la lente unica dell'umorismo e della satira di Dmitry.

Attraverso le sue creazioni stravaganti, Dmitry Shevchuk offre una nuova prospettiva sulle routine e le banalità della vita moderna, incoraggiando il pubblico a trovare divertimento e intuizione in ciò che sembra banale. Le sue opere suscitano risate e contemplazione, trasformando l'ordinario in straordinarie espressioni di ingegno artistico e creatività.

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