Goldn (2019) Arte digitale da Cherry'S Artworks

Carta per belle arti, 8x8 in
  • Quest'opera è una "Open Edition" Arte digitale, Schizzo / Stampa digitale
  • Dimensioni Diverse taglie disponibili
  • Numerosi supporti disponibili (Carta per belle arti, Stampa su metallo, Stampa su tela)
  • Incorniciatura Framing disponibile (Cornice galleggiante + sotto vetro, Frame + Sotto vetro acrilico)
  • Categorie Surrealismo
#Digital art, #art sale #contemporary art #Cherrys Artworks #surrealism #gold #women #red #Colby files model A proposito di quest'opera: Classificazione, tecniche & Stili Surrealismo [...]
#Digital art, #art sale #contemporary art #Cherrys Artworks #surrealism #gold #women #red #Colby files model

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I hope for others to feel emotion and enjoyment in my art. I love creating surreal images that combine unusual elements together that make you wonder.   Several of my images have been published in the[...]

I hope for others to feel emotion and enjoyment in my art. I love creating surreal images that combine unusual elements together that make you wonder.  

Several of my images have been published in the international Living the Photo Artistic Life magazines. 

I have also received achievements in other photo competitions and exhibited in local art shows. 

My image, Goldn, received 5th place overall in the recent 555 Special Art Exhibition 2019 on LightSpaceTime.

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Arte digitale | Diverse dimensioni
Arte digitale | Diverse dimensioni
Arte digitale | Diverse dimensioni
Arte digitale | Diverse dimensioni


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