malefemale (2014) Design da Doris Carstens

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Venditore Doris Carstens

Certificato di autenticità incluso
  • Opera d'arte originale Design,
  • Dimensioni Altezza 20in, Larghezza 16in
  • Categorie Designs sotto i 500 USD
SOME OF THE SYMBOLS IN “MALE/FEMALE” GREEN is the color of nature, fertility and life .Green symbolizes well- being and balance and also means learning, growth and harmony. The FACE has his eyes peacefully closed, all senses are introverted he listens to his soul. AMETHYST Quarts are associated with divine spiritual[...]

GREEN is the color of nature, fertility and life .Green symbolizes well- being and balance and also means learning, growth and harmony.
The FACE has his eyes peacefully closed, all senses are introverted he listens to his soul.

AMETHYST Quarts are associated with divine spiritual energy, found in the British Crown Jewels, is worn by Catholic Bishops and is considered sacred to Buddha in Tibet.
CRYSTALS in general are tools that augment the flow of energy. Since the human energy field is also electromagnetic, crystals can enhance human energies.

The MALE and FEMALE entities:
Note, that both have only one half of the face. Together they make one whole.

The SPIRAL is the physical representative of the Violet Ray.
It is one of the oldest symbols of human spirituality. It is connoted to the sun (which makes a spiral shape every three month) to everlasting movement and represents the source of universal light.
The number TEN (ten beads on each side) stands for completion, as the fundamental building block of number systems, and the ten month to bring a baby from conception into the world.

The LEFT side of the necklace stands for male, every bead is in sequence, in logic, in stronger colors. The RIGHT side is randomly playful, female, lighter in color. If you wear the necklace, the right side becomes the left side, connecting exactly with the differences in the halves of the brain, the logic side and the emotional side.
The Philosophy

My beads are made honoring the universal energy.
by creating art while letting healing energy flow through my hands, my vision is for mankind to reconnect with the universe and to find healing within.
when you choose your necklace, you will find the color which fits you best, by listening to your intuition.
i never create more then two necklaces alike to keep them unique and to hold a balance of duality. you and only one counterperson will ever wear a matching pair.

the technique

i am forming my beads in an old venetian technique called "millefiori", which means "a thousand flowers". to meet the power of nature within the meaning of millefiori, i unite the common used material-polymer clay- with semi precious stones of mother nature. coming from the jewelry trade, i string the necklaces in a manner of placing a knot between every bead. if a string should ever break, you will not loose any beads.
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