Cultura Online-Events-Letras do Fado (2011) Arte digitale da A. Bento De Oliveira

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  • Opera d'arte originale Arte digitale, Altro
  • Dimensioni Le dimensioni sono disponibili su richiesta website events section. Quote about exhibition "Letras do Fado" (Lyrics of Fado). is a Website dedicated to all Portuguese culture, showing information about Cultural Events in Portugal. A proposito di[...] website events section. Quote about exhibition "Letras do Fado" (Lyrics of Fado). is a Website dedicated to all Portuguese culture, showing information about Cultural Events in Portugal.

Temi correlati Events Exhibition Letras Do Fado (Lyrics Of Fado)

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Agostinho Manuel Bento de Oliveira, artista plástico portugués nació en 1967 en Mozambique. En 1975 se trasladó a Portugal donde cursó estudios secundarios en la Escola de Artes Decorativas “Soares dos Reis”[...]

Agostinho Manuel Bento de Oliveira, artista plástico portugués nació en 1967 en Mozambique. En 1975 se trasladó a Portugal donde cursó estudios secundarios en la Escola de Artes Decorativas “Soares dos Reis” de Oporto. Durante los años siguientes ha estado profundamente ligado al mundo del arte y del diseño, siendo formador de escaparatistas y escaparatista, regentando su propio negocio de decoración de interiores y realizando diversos trabajos como escenógrafo teatral.

Agostinho Manuel Bento de Oliveira is a Portuguese artist born in 1967 in Mozambique. In 1975 he moved to Portugal where he attended high school in the School of Decorative Arts "Soares dos Reis at Oporto. Ever since he has been deeply linked to the world of art and design, as a teacher of visual merchandinsing techniques, running his own business of home design articles and doing various jobs as a theater scenographer.

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Pittura | 12,6x17,7 in
489,61 USD
Pittura | 5,1x6,7 in
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Pittura | 19,7x39,4 in
794,76 USD
Arte digitale
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