Fortress entrance (2004) Pittura da Koiliar Is

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Venditore Koiliar Is

Certificato di autenticità incluso
  • Opera d'arte originale Pittura, Olio
  • Dimensioni Altezza 23,6in, Larghezza 15,8in
  • Categorie Quadri sotto i 1.000 USD Classicismo
Acrylic on canvas A proposito di quest'opera: Classificazione, tecniche & Stili Olio Vernice composta da pigmenti legati con olio di lino o garofani.[...]
Acrylic on canvas

Temi correlati

House Home Tree Nanture View Land Scape Sea Wave Water Wood Stone Rock Road Street City Wall Harbour Greece

Tradotto automaticamente
Babis Kiliaris was born in Chios, Greece in 1958 During 1982-83 he attended painting and scene-painting under the supervision of Yannis Tsarouchis in Ionian Center of Chios. Since[...]

Babis Kiliaris was born in Chios, Greece in 1958

During 1982-83 he attended painting and scene-painting under the supervision of Yannis Tsarouchis in Ionian Center of Chios.

Since 1983 he has shown 12 individual exhibitions, he participated in many group exhibitions of Chian Artists and in two National (Zappio, Parnassos1997). The scene-painting of many theatrical and dancing shows was looked after by him as well as for a number of years the tourist kiosk of Chios at the International Exhibition of Thessaloniki and the local carnival of Thimiana (MOSTRA).

Mainly he use acrylic paint in canvas also he has shown very interesting exhibits using watercolors, oil pastel, watercolor pencils, india ink, colaz and trash art creates. Also he has worked with emboss copper, pyrografy on leather and mixed 3d media (cut-outs).

He was cooperator in many architectural firms and in local TV and radio studios, while as graphic artist he has worked in most of the advertising firms and printing offices of Chios. Lately he works on PC Graphics and animation.

Also he has been working as tutor in the painting workshops of Homerion Cultural Center of Chios and of other local Cultural Clubs. Since April 1994 he was provided from the mayor of Chios the place for the management of the Municipal Art Gallery of Chios town

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Incisioni, stampe | 8,3x11,8 in
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Pittura | 23,6x17,7 in
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Pittura | 2,8x4,7 in
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Disegno | 11,8x15,8 in
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