alessandro-de-michele-le-cose-cambiano-6.jpg Pittura da Alessandro De Michele

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Venditore Alessandro De Michele

Certificato di autenticità incluso
Quest'opera d'arte appare in 6 collezioni
  • Opera d'arte originale Pittura, Olio su Tela
  • Dimensioni Altezza 0,8in, Larghezza 59,1in
  • Categorie Simbolismo
Alessandro De Michele, Le cose cambiano, 200 x 150, olio su tela. Roma A proposito di quest'opera: Classificazione, tecniche & Stili Olio Vernice composta[...]
Alessandro De Michele, Le cose cambiano, 200 x 150, olio su tela. Roma

Temi correlati

ArteAlessandro De MicheleRomaLe Cose

Born in Milan, De Michele moved to Rome after completing his schooling and graduated in architecture there, focussing his studies on the relation between architecture and film. His career subsequently spanned[...]

Born in Milan, De Michele moved to Rome after completing his schooling and graduated in architecture there, focussing his studies on the relation between architecture and film. His career subsequently spanned both these two fields.
He has written and directed the documentary films Imago - L'immaginario di Federico Fellini and The journey of the Kalibani.

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Matita su Carta | 31,5x59,1 in
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Matita su Carta | 11,4x8,3 in
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Matita su Carta | 27,6x39,4 in
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Matita su Carta | 23,6x24,4 in
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