Marine shells boho bouquet, round 3D artwork by Anait (2021) Collages da Anastasia Anait

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33,31 USD
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  1463 px  

1500 px
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World of depth is incredibly mysterious. However, shells were never that much tempting to me. But you have a whole box, filled with their different kinds - your imagination’s ON! And once it happened - you JUST damn wanna DO IT! Red, pink, orange, round, cones, flat, small, big, spirals and twirls, white and pearl… !!! Woah! …….. [...]
World of depth is incredibly mysterious. However, shells were never that much tempting to me. But you have a whole box, filled with their different kinds - your imagination’s ON! And once it happened - you JUST damn wanna DO IT!
Red, pink, orange, round, cones, flat, small, big, spirals and twirls, white and pearl… !!! Woah!
Canvas on a round cardboard, D=35cm.
Shells, metallic and holographic acrylic paint, laces and ribbons, jute decorative rope
Peace and Love
By Anait

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Flower BouquetShell PaintingArtwork With ShellsMarine Art3D Painting

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My name is Anastasia, and I call myself Anait. And I bet, nobody really cares about my biography or life story facts) 😚But I'm gonna still tell a bit. 1. 🙏I solemnly swear that I don't[...]

My name is Anastasia, and I call myself Anait.

And I bet, nobody really cares about my biography or life story facts) 😚But I'm gonna still tell a bit.

1. 🙏I solemnly swear that I don't have any art diplomas, nor any knowledge, but just numerous skills and noble passion to Create.

2.🙏Please. Don't ask me anything. You won't get any replies. And not cause I'm rude) But cause YOU👉are the one to reply. My art still has no name. You are The One. To name it. To blame it. To understand it. Or to refuse it. To agree or to dispute. But the very first thing is that YOU are The One to decide - to slow down and give it a chance, or to pass by.( Like a freshly made coffee aroma, brought by a tiny morning whispering breeze. Or like a very busy person, who desperately wants to owe some art, but has actually no time for it🤷‍♀️.)Before that - nothing else matters ;)

So. No offense to my quietness. I speak really loud. And my Art is a language. If you are not ready to listen - don't call me rude for that.

3. I don't make replicates, duplicates or copies. Each piece is the only one. I may create something by order. If an idea will really touch me)

In fact, I’m done, thanks for your valuable time💗

My insta page by_anait, where you're gonna find all kinds of my art and crafts, but not just paintings.

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