Meeting with the Dragon (2019) Pittura da Aleksandar Vasić

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Venditore Aleksandar Vasić

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33,43 USD
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  760 px  

1140 px
Dimensioni del file (px) 760x1140
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Quest'opera d'arte appare in 1 collezioni
  • Opera d'arte originale (One Of A Kind) Pittura, Acrilico su Tela di lino
  • Dimensioni Altezza 47,2in, Larghezza 31,5in
  • Incorniciatura Questa opera d'arte non è incorniciata
  • Categorie Quadri sotto i 5.000 USD
This painting belongs to the series "Spiralline". The paintings in this series has two main elements: a blue vigneted background an d a golden or yellow line that on its trajectoy makes shapes like people, houses, buildings, the Sun, angels, demons, clouds... My references for creating the series "Spiralline" are: Mark Rothko,[...]
This painting belongs to the series "Spiralline". The paintings in this series has two main elements: a blue vigneted background an d a golden or yellow line that on its trajectoy makes shapes like people, houses, buildings, the Sun, angels, demons, clouds...
My references for creating the series "Spiralline" are: Mark Rothko, aboriginal art, middle an far eastern art, ancient Egyptian art and prehistorical cave paintings.
In the "Meeting with the Dragon" the background is brought on the canvas with a pallete knife. With the blue colour I tend to bring a viewer a spiritual wibe. On top of it I drew a contrasting yellow/orange line. My intention is to give the viewer an illusion that the line is hoovering above the blue background.
The line starts in a point, the origin of all creation. On it's trajectory it forms various shapes. eventualy the line ends in the point where it started.
The painting illustrates two worlds: a phisical where everything seems to be neatly ordered and a metaphysical where the spiritual aspect of the person below is having a rendez-vous with great cosmic forces.

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Lectori Salutem I was born, raised an nowdays I work in Rotterdam Netherlands. From 1995 to 2000 I attended the "Willem de Kooning" art school in Rotterdam. I make my paintings in series. For each series[...]

Lectori Salutem

I was born, raised an nowdays I work in Rotterdam Netherlands. From 1995 to 2000 I attended the "Willem de Kooning" art school in Rotterdam. I make my paintings in series. For each series  I develop a diferent style, thus my work is realistic, figurative or abtract, depending on what I wanted to express with the series. 

I make my paintings mostly with acrylic paint, other than that I paint with oil paint.

With my work I tend to express spiritual aspect of life; with my paintings I deal with subjects like creation of all, magic, shamanism, religion, cosmology, World order.


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