Inga Torfadottir 个人资料图片

Inga Torfadottir

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Expositions [Archive]

2009 "Quadrangle" M.P.A. Wpg. MB, group
"Paperart" Mona Lisa Restaurant, Wpg. MB, solo

2008 "NUNA/now" the collage party, Wpg. MB.
"All of the Above" M.P.A. Members Exhibition, Wpg. MB.

2007 "SAGAS" Dr. Paul H.T. Thorlakson Gallery, University of Manitoba, solo
"NUNA/now" Adelaide McDermot Gallery, Wpg. MB.
"In our Back Yard" The Edge Gallery, Wpg. MB, group
"Imprint" The McGarry Guild Gallery, Wpg. MB, group
M.P.A. Members Exhibition, Wpg. MB.
"Confrontations" Cre8ery, Wpg. MB. group

2006 "Seasons of Lighht", Wasagaming Gallery, MB.
"Year of the Dog" Ken Segal Gallery, Wpg.
Islendingadagurinn, Art Exhibition, Gimli, MB

2005 The 4th International Print Exchange, Schorndorf, Germany
Islendingadagurinn, Annual Art Exhibition, Gimli, MB.
M.P.A. Members Exhibition, Lunenburg, NS.

2004 "Ode to Odin" Dr. Paul H.T. Thorlakson Gallery, U of M. solo
Islendingadagurinn, Annual Art Exhibition, Gimli, MB.

2003 M.P.A. Members Exhibition, Wpg. MB.
"On Site" Site Gallery, Wpg. MB. group
"Watch for the Wave" Interlake, MB. group
"Odur til Odins" Gallery 11, Reykjavik, Iceland, solo
"Cutting Edges: New Directions" Universety of Manitoba, solo
Winnipeg City Hall, M.P.A. Members Exhibition, Wpg. MB.

2001 M.C.C. Wpg. 16th Annual Spring Exhibition, juried

2000 Art Space, Open Studio Collective
Stoneware Gallery, 20th Anniversary Exhibition, Wpg. MB.

1998 Islendingadagurinn, Art Exhibition, Gimli MB. group

1997 "Fiber and Clay" M.C.C. Wpg. juried
"A Skolo" Reykjavik, Iceland, solo

1995 "Spring Blooms" M.C.C. Wpg, juried

1994 Islendingadagurinn, Art Exhibition, Gimli, M.B. group

1993 "Aevintyraheimur i Leir", Reykjavik, Iceland, solo
"A Little Madness" M.C.C. Wpg. juried
"Set the Table" A.C.C. AB. juried

1992 "Good Things Come in Small Packages" M.C.C. Wpg. juried
Islendingadagurinn, Gimli, MB. group
"Tea for Ten" Winnipeg Art Gallery, group
"Artists on the Avenue", Wpg. MB.
"Contemporary Focus" Winnipeg Art Gallery, group

1991 "A Roof with a Wiew" Winnipeg Art Gallery, group
"Cups" A.P.A., Calgary, juried
M.C.C. Wpg. 6th Annual Spring Exhibition, juried
Islendingadagurinn, Gimli, MB. group
Interior Design Show, Wpg. MB.

1990 M.C.C. Wpg. Portfolio Show, group
"A Skolo" Reykjavik, Iceland, solo
The Home Innovation Show, Wpg. MB.
A.C.C. " No Restrictions Allowed", AB. juried
Western Canadian Exhibition of Crafts, Calgary, AB.
"Spring Fever: Pattern and Print" M.C.C. Wpg. juried

1989 The Art Network, Wpg. MB. group

