Fanizani Akudas Gold (2000) 彫刻 Home Of The Sculptures によって

彫刻 - ストーン, 20.9x15.8 in
プライス: 送料無料
発送元: 南アフリカ (ボックスまたはカートンのパッケージ)
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  • オリジナルのアートワーク (One Of A Kind) 彫刻, ストーン
  • 寸法 高さ 20.9in, 幅 15.8in
  • 屋外に適しています? ノー, この作品は屋外では表示できません
  • カテゴリ 彫刻 $500未満 部族芸術 アフリカ
Fanizani Akuda (1932-2011) Google the Artist Fanizani was born in Zambia, and came to Zimbabwe in 1949. He worked on Tom Blomefield’s Tengenenge farm where the famous sculpture community was based. In 1966, Tom gave him a set of sculpting tools and encouraged him to experiment with the stone. His early work showed promise and he was hooked:[...]
Fanizani Akuda (1932-2011) Google the Artist

Fanizani was born in Zambia, and came to Zimbabwe in 1949. He worked on Tom Blomefield’s Tengenenge farm where the famous sculpture community was based. In 1966, Tom gave him a set of sculpting tools and encouraged him to experiment with the stone. His early work showed promise and he was hooked: sculpting became his life-long career.

In the late 1970s, Fanizani decided to move to the city, to escape the disruption of the war of independence. He continued sculpting right up until his death when he was nearly eighty and was a much-loved character within the Harare art community. His work has been exhibited worldwide for decades and is in the permanent collection of the National Gallery of Zimbabwe as well as many private collections. Career highlights include:

International Sculpture Symposium, Borkel en Schaft, Netherlands (1990s)
Featured in book ‘Sculptors from Zimbabwe: The First Generation’ by Ben Joosten (1991)
‘The Legend of Zimbabwe’s Stone Sculpture: Fanizani Akuda’, solo retrospective, National Gallery of Zimbabwe, Harare, Zimbabwe (2005)
‘Master Sculptors of Zimbabwe’, Group exhibition, Netherlands (2005) and Italy (2006)

Aged like fine wine. Exact date of creation is unknown. Sculpture is made of Golden Serpentine


Golden SerpentineAfricaSculptureStone

The Gomb Era Artによって表さアーティスト
Thee Sculpture Artists are more than Artists.They are poets of expression.The sculptures represent the various backgrounds and stories that speak through their Art. With very little exposure and access[...]

Thee Sculpture Artists are more than Artists.They are poets of expression.The sculptures represent the various backgrounds and stories that speak through their Art.

With very little exposure and access to market. The Gomb Era Arts is solely about giving light to art that sits in the darkness.

Your Support will change a life 

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Home Of The Sculpturesからもっと見る

彫刻 - ストーン | 17.7x9.1 in
彫刻 - ストーン | 35.4x14.2 in
彫刻 - ストーン | 22.1x10.6 in
彫刻 - ストーン | 29.9x22.4 in

