Grigorii Zulkarniaev Изображение профиля

Grigorii Zulkarniaev

Burgas, Болгария
Художник (Картина)
Родился в неизвестная дата
fate and creativity are one

Was born in 1986 in Russia. In 2000 he graduated from art school and entered the Lyceum of the city of St. Petersburg as a master-restorer of decorative and artistic paints. Graduated in 2004 and entered the State University, Faculty of Fine Arts. In 2009 he defended his master's degree in art education. The direction of classical easel painting. Since 2012, he taught restoration, artistic ceramics and modeling in various educational institutions of St. Petersburg. Participated in local and regional seminars and exhibitions on education. From 2016 to 2018 he worked in a rehabilitation center for people with disabilities. 2018 Moved to Bulgaria for permanent residence. I paint pictures in different techniques. I love experimenting with different styles. Most of all I like "Symbolism". In my paintings, I like to depict symbols of religion (Christianity), time (hours, numbers, hands), the past (masks, costumes, cities), light (lighthouses, reflection). These symbols in landscapes, which at first glance seem common, indicate a deeper meaning. For example, in a fishing boat sailing on the sea. I see an apostle and a parable from the Bible. A seine for human souls, the name of the ship is "Apostle". In simple dandelions, I see an icon. Intricate interweaving of plants, reminiscent of a plot from the Bible. About the resurrection of St. Luke. A sad Venetian mask looks at the water and a tear appears in it. A symbol of the past carnival and a celebration of life. And we feel a little sorry for the past. The Harlequin wants to tell us a story, but which one? We see tears on his mask. Most likely, this is the fairy tale "Wanderings". Torero tames the bull, but which one is the victim? The bull or the bullfighter himself? Driven by the crowd, he himself is like an animal, and at this moment there is no one who would be closer than a bull. I can write in different techniques. My favorites are acrylic painting and airbrushing with the addition of silver or gold. I am constantly looking for and experimenting with my work.

Откройте для себя современные произведения искусства от Grigorii Zulkarniaev, посмотрите последние работы и купите онлайн. Категории: современные болгарские художники. Художественные домены: Картина. Тип учётной записи: Художник , зарегистрирован 2021 (Страна происхождения Россия). Купить последние работы Grigorii Zulkarniaev на Artmajeur: Откройте для себя потрясающие произведения современного художника Grigorii Zulkarniaev: . Просматривайте его художественные произведения, покупайте оригинальные работы или высококачественные репродукции.

Grigorii Zulkarniaev Изображение профиля Большой

Рейтинг артиста, Биография, Мастерская художника:

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Профессиональный художник

1 Художественное произведение - Grigorii Zulkarniaev (Выбор)

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cubism • 1 Художественное произведение

geometric compositions with color accents.
Картина под названием "impulse" - Grigorii Zulkarniaev, Подлинное произведение искусства, Рисунок распылителем краски
impulse - Картина, 39,4x39,4 in ©2021 - Grigorii Zulkarniaev - Abstract, abstract-570, Геометральный, geometry, abstraction, broken lines, circles, shards, purple, yellow

Grigorii Zulkarniaev


Рисунок распылителем краски на Доска МДФ | 39,4x39,4 in

1 914,45 $
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