Truffle McFurry And The Minion 絵画 Miki De Goodaboom によって

紙の水彩画, 9.5x9.5 in
プライス: 送料無料
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最大解像度: 4110 x 4110 px

Miki De Goodaboom が販売

  • オリジナルのアートワーク 絵画, 紙の 水彩画
  • 寸法 高さ 9.5in, 幅 9.5in
  • カテゴリ 絵画 $500未満 表現主義
Funny painting of Truffle McFurry sitting in a wheel chair with broken arms and legs, surrounded by his pet the pink hippopotamus, Mary the Scottish sheep, a lovely nurse and a Minion with a banana. Truffle tells the story: " "The other day Kevin came back from a gig in Germany and brought back a weird thing called "Minion".[...]
Funny painting of Truffle McFurry sitting in a wheel chair with broken arms and legs, surrounded by his pet the pink hippopotamus, Mary the Scottish sheep, a lovely nurse and a Minion with a banana.
Truffle tells the story:
" "The other day Kevin came back from a gig in Germany and brought back a weird thing called "Minion". He said, a waiter from McDonald in Germany had come to his table, asked him if he was the singer from Witch Cross (Kevin's heavy metal band) and as Kevin said yes, he gave him that Minion as a gift.

Well, Minion is a weird thing, as I said. To start with, he is not a softie as we all are in the house, he is so hard, his skin is made out of hard plastic. I don't like to touch him at all!
But worst, he is holding a banana in his hand, and spends his time chasing me through the house waving his banana with a sadistic smile on his ugly face, as he wanted to beat me.

And then it happened: the other night I had a nightmare, dreaming that Minion was beating me to death. And trying to escape, I fell out of the bed, on the hard ceramic ground! This was not part of the dream, I did awake on the ground, feeling miserable, and everything in my poor little body was broken!

Miki brought me to the hospital, and this is the diagnose: a broken right foot, a swollen left leg, a broken head, a broken right arm and a deep cut in my face!

They put me on a wheel chair and Miki pulled me home.

Luckily the nurse, Gilda, is very lovely. She has a mouth in form of a heart, this is so cute! She comes to visit twice the day, and change all my bandages. The good thing is, that everybody feels sorry for me, and I get spoiled a lot, and they all say many lovely things to me. Only Mary is a bit upset, I think she is a bit jealous of sweet Gilda...

And Minion? Well, he keeps trying to get to me, but now at least he can't reach me! Anyway, Miki promised me to get rid of him, we all don't want him in the house any more. Except Kevin. Kevin says, one does not throw gifts away... I understand that... then at least we should put him in a locked cage... not Kevin, that bloody Minion!

Love you all




Truffle McfurryBearTeddy BearFunHumour


ミキ・デ・グーダブームはフランスの現代アーティストです。ミキにとって、絵画は反射するキャンバスとして機能し、光と影、線と形、時間と場所の間のダンスである彼女の存在の絶え間ない満ち引きを映し出します。彼女の芸術において、彼女は神秘と未知の謎の領域において、継続的な動きの中でのみ見られる微妙なバランスである平衡を絶えず追求しています。彼女の人生は、数学と絵画という 2 つの深い情熱の間で織りなされる物語として展開されます。前者は抽象芸術の最高の形式であり、彼女の宇宙を支配し、彼女の宇宙の旅のルールを決定します。後者は、その数学的芸術に固有の美しさを結晶化する手段として現れ、その本質を彼女の想像力のキャンバスに捉えます。

ミキ・デ・グーダブームのアートは地理的な境界を超え、彼女の絵画は世界中の視聴者の共感を呼ぶ普遍的な表現として機能します。彼女の情熱の本質を芸術の中にカプセル化する彼女のユニークな能力は、それぞれの作品が彼女の人生の複雑なタペストリーの証となっています - 創造性のストローク、数学的精度、そして調和のとれたものの中に見出される深遠な美しさを捉えるための揺るぎない取り組みで描かれた人生です。形と色の相互作用。彼女の活気に満ちた人生の現れである彼女の作品は、世界中で熱心な聴衆と高く評価されているバイヤーを見つけています。

Miki De Goodaboomからもっと見る

紙の水彩画 | 12.6x9.5 in
オイル | 31.5x15.8 in

