"Motherhood" (2009) Scultura da Gevork Gevorkian

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Venditore Russian Gallery Ural

The order is made within 30 days. Possible materials for order fulfillment: - - bronze - marble - stone - concrete - - granite - wood - gypsum - chamotte The cost for a product made of bronze. A proposito di quest'opera: Classificazione,[...]
The order is made within 30 days.
Possible materials for order fulfillment:
- - bronze - marble - stone - concrete
- - granite - wood - gypsum - chamotte
The cost for a product made of bronze.
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Artista rappresentato da Russian Gallery Ural
1951-2022......................... .He was born in 1951 in the village of Shenavan in the Oktemberyan district of the Armenian SSR.Graduated from Yerevan Art College named after Terlemezyan.In 1980 he[...]


.He was born in 1951 in the village of Shenavan in the Oktemberyan district of the Armenian SSR.Graduated from Yerevan Art College named after Terlemezyan.In 1980 he graduated from the Yerevan Art and Theater Institute, Faculty of Sculpture.In 1982, he moved to Sverdlovsk.Since 1992, he has been working at UGAKHA (Ural State Academy of Architecture and Art), the position is professor.Since 1983 - member of the Union of Artists of the USSR. Honored Artist of the Russian Federation.Since 2021 - member of the Union of Russian Artists.Participant of international, All-Union, republican, zonal, regional, city and traditional exhibitions. Participant of city competitions. Winner of architectural and sculpture competitions.Laureate of the V.N.Tatishchev and G.V. de Gennin Prize in the field of culture and art for the creation of a monument to A.S. Pushkin.Honorary member of the Ural branch of the League for the Protection of Culture.Honorary member of the Academy of Arts of the Russian Federation.


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