Sculptures fantastiques à vendre

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Sculpture intitulée "Bespoke Expressions" par Lasantha Epasinghe, Œuvre d'art originale, Métaux
Bespoke Expressions - Sculpture, 38x12 in ©2023 par Lasantha Epasinghe - Expressionism, expressionism-591, Fantastique, Bedroom Design, Home Decor, Interior Design Ideas, Scrap Metal Ornament, Ornaments in Metal, Metal Ornament

Lasantha Epasinghe

"Bespoke Expressions"

Sculpture - Métaux | 38x12 in

1 560 $US
Sculpture intitulée "Queen of Dragons an…" par Olga Sviridova, Œuvre d'art originale, Céramique
Queen of Dragons and Roses - Sculpture, 14,6x7,9 in ©2024 par Olga Sviridova - Illustration, illustration-600, Dark-Fantasy, unique home decor, pop art, dachshund sculpture, modern ceramic sculpture, Jeff Koons, James Jarvis, contemporary ceramic sculpture, animal ceramic sculpture

Olga Sviridova

"Queen of Dragons and Roses"

Sculpture - Céramique | 14,6x7,9 in

3 857,43 $US
Sculpture intitulée "From a Time Lost" par Lasantha Epasinghe, Œuvre d'art originale, Métaux
From a Time Lost - Sculpture, 5x5 in ©2023 par Lasantha Epasinghe - Expressionism, expressionism-591, Fantastique, Interior Design Ideas, Bedroom Design, Home Decor, Interior Design, Scrap Metal Ornament, Ornaments in Metal, Metal Ornament

Lasantha Epasinghe

"From a Time Lost"

Sculpture - Métaux | 5x5 in

230 $US
Sculpture intitulée "Mask with Glass Eye…" par Anthony Saldivar, Œuvre d'art originale, Acrylique
Mask with Glass Eyes - One of a kind Wall Art - Red/Yellow - Sculpture, 10x6,5 in ©2024 par Anthony Saldivar - Abstract, abstract-570, Gothique, Red, Mask, Eyes, Gothic, Art, Yellow, Sclupture

Anthony Saldivar

"Mask with Glass Eyes - One of a kind Wall Art - Red/Yellow"

Sculpture - Acrylique | 10x6,5 in

237 $US


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