Fefa Koroleva Foto de perfil

Fefa Koroleva

Рига, Letonia
Artista (Pintura, Dibujo)
Nacido en fecha desconocida

My name is Fefa Koroleva.
I`m a professional artist from Russia based Latvia.
I have a professional art education in art college and in University by specialisation painting.
For as long I can remember, I have been painting
I'm a hard-working artist who can't imagine life without art. This is my air! My art means everything to me.

I prefer to use my own style in my artworks which is unique. I like to mix different medias and styles. My paintings are completely original and each piece is unique.
I connect moments of reality with fabulous themes. I portray animals as unique images and characters.
Also, Im selling prints on paper and canvas so I would love to be presented at your website to have a chance to sell it

My main subject of work is animals and especially horses , which is prominent in most of the works.

I like to combine reality and decorativeness, lively lines and patterns. I create unique patterns that look like unknown letters. It makes my paintings unique and recognisable. I am painting emotions and feelings, thoughts and memories evoked by the object. This gives me great freedom of expression and allows me to find my uniqueness.

I draw emotions and feelings for animals, their beauty and friendship with them. I really love horses and own horses. I am engaged in the preservation of a unique Russian breed of horses and like to draw precisely these animals, showing beauty, culture and history.

Descubra obras de arte contemporáneas de Fefa Koroleva, explore obras de arte recientes y compre en línea. Categorías: artistas letones contemporáneos. Dominios artísticos: Pintura, Dibujo. Tipo de cuenta: Artista , miembro desde el 2017 (País de origen Rusia). Compre los últimos trabajos de Fefa Koroleva en Artmajeur: Fefa Koroleva: Descubre impresionantes obras del artista contemporáneo. Explorar obras de arte, comprar obras originales o impresiones de alto nivel.

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